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I just sit there watching (Y/N) breath. Watching her chest go up and down.

"Hey Trick" Gerard snaps me out of my trance "We are all going to head home. We will see you in the morning."

"Yeah, keep us updated on (Y/N)." Brendon adds.

"Yeah see you guys later." My mom is in the chair across the room; gazing at my every move till she comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Patrick we should getting going too." Her tone was soft and calming.

"Please mom, 5 more minuets." My eyes still locked on (Y/N).

"Fine, but that is it; it is a school night."

5 minuets pass and I am now walking back to the car with my mom. I hop into the front seat and put my ear buds back in. The music fills my ears.

"You got a face not spoiled by beauty

I have some scars from where I've been

You've got eyes that can see right through me

You're not afraid of anything they've seen

I was told that I would feel nothing the first time

I don't know how these cuts heal

But in you I found a rhyme

If there is a light

You can't always see

And there is a world

We can't always be

If there is a dark

Now we shouldn't doubt

And there is a light

Don't let it go out

And this is a song

A song for someone

This is a song

A song for someone

You let me into a conversation

A conversation only we could make

You break and enter my imagination

Whatever's in there

It's yours to take

I was told I'd feel nothing the first time

You were slow to heal

But this could be the night"

~Flash Back~

"Well I played Green Day, so you should show me your music!" I plodded down on the couch after (Y/N) was done chasing me.

"Well hold on." She got her phone out and went on her play list.

"I like this one!" (Y/N) says as the song begins to play. Oh and how I knew this song.

"(Y/N) you said you did not like rock or punk or any of that and hear you are playing a song you like which is Song For Someone by U2!?" I ask almost yelling.

"This is one of their more calmer songs if you do not mind!" (Y/N) snaps back.

"Well at least you like some good music!" I slouch down into the couch.

"Hey! I said I liked Green Day!" (Y/N) punches my arm.

"Just Green Day, so you like Green Day and U2 that is SOME good music!"


~End Of The Flash Back~

Once the song ends we are back home. I run up stairs and slam the door to my bed room shut. My eyes filled with tears. I did not even know why I was crying, (Y/N) was going to be okay, Her mom is out of her life, and everything is fine. Maybe it was the fact that I was not there to stop all of this from happening. I slip into some sweat pants and a shitty shirt and crawl into bed. My eyes began to water again. 'Okay I am done I am going to talk to the guys' I grab my phone.

~In Chat~

Me: Hey

QueenSassyPants: Hey Trick how are you doing?

Me: Fine.... I guess

SlutForRyanRoss: Well that is good... I guess

EmoKing: Yeah? Hey Gee is Mikey there I want to talk to him in a privite chat.

Pikey Mikey: Right here Pete

EmoKing: Oh good. I am going to set up a privite chat with Mikey and I like I said I want to talk, so bye!


QueenSassyPants:You better not hurt my little brother Wentz!

Pikey Mikey: Dude chill bye guys

SlutForRyanRoss: Bye you two

Me: What has this chat come to!?

QueenSassyPants: IDK

SlutForRyanRoss: Can I add Ryan to the chat?

QueenSassyPants: Fine

Me: Fine

Someone is being added to chat....

SlutForBrendonUrie: Hi!

Me: Hey Ryan

QueenSassyPants: Hello Ryan

SlutForRyanRoss: Hey babe

Me: No lover shit on the chat!

QueenSassyPants: Yeah save it for later

SlutFotRyanRoss: Fine

SlutForBrendonUrie: Poor Brendon


QueenSassyPants: I SHIP IT!

SlutForRyanRoss: *FacePalms*

SlutForBrendonUrie: What is this 'ship' name you have made Patrick

Me: Ryden!

QueenSassyPants: I like that now we need one for you and (Y/N)!

SlutForRyanRoss: IDK one for that yet

Me: I am going to bed see you guys later

~Out Of Chat~

I put my phone and glasses on my bed stand and cuddle up in the warm sheets going to bed with the thought (Y/N) will be ok.



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