(Chloè x Nathaniël) Be My model

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                 Chloè's point of view

Today in class I got a feeling of being watched, not like the normal way people what me either. It felt like staring and it came and went. One of the time I felt like I was being watch a turned and saw it. He was staring at me, Nathaniël. After class I decided to conform him.

"Well hey the tomato." I say as I push him back into his seat. "So why were you staring at me?" I gave Sabrina the signal and she snatched his sketch pad away before he could argue. Sabrina hands me the pad and I look at it. There is drawing after drawing of me on it. "Well, well, well I guess someone found an amazing model for their sketches." I say, dangling the pad in one hand.

"Give it back!" Nathaniël snatches it back. "I did want you to be my model for art, but now I'm no so sure." He says after turning away.

"Well in that case I'm in, as long as I get copies of the drawings." I say as I lean closer to him.

"Really?" He asks, finally looking at me.

"Of course, you won't find a more beautiful girl to draw!" I say sweetly as I place my hand over my heart.

"Ok, then meet me near the water fountain at park around 4 today, if you like that is." Nathaniël smiles and looks me in the eyes hopefully.

"Fine. I'll try be there." I say coyly, even though I'm super excited.

Nathaniël leave and I turn to Sabrina.

"Sabrina, we have to make sure my hair looks perfect, like pronto."

______4pm_at  the park________
              Chloè point of view

   Did I get stood up by tomato head? Why isn't he here yet! I start to pace in front of the fountain. No, it's still only 4:02, I'm sure he's coming. I sit down on the bench and brush off the lemon yellow skirt that I had changed into along with a ruffled white top, a yellow jacket and 2 inch yellow heels. Uhg, these things are so uncomfortable but I want to look good for the drawing.

     It's 4:10 and I finally see a familiar flash of red hair on the other side of the street. I walk over to the end of the cross walk and wave to the person with a huge smile, until I realize it's not Nathaniël. I stop waving and begin to frown. Where is he?

   My eyes are then covered by a pair of hands and I grab them. I put the hands from my face and turn to see the top of a redheads hair.

     "Down here giant." I look down slightly and sure enough, it's Nathaniël. "You were looking over my head. Those heels give you just enough hight to do so." I smile at him, happy he finally showed. "Why'd you change, you looked fine and we were the same hight." He mumbles as he begins to blush.

     "I have my other shoes in my bag if you'd prefer, you are the artist after all." He blushes more and nods.

   I go over to the bench where I set my bag, followed by Nathaniël. I was going to cross one leg over the other to take my heels off, until I remembered that I was in a skirt.

     "Um, Nathaniël, can you help me?"

     "What's wrong Chloè?"

     I can't reach the buckles on my heels. Can you..."

   I was about to ask him to undo my shoes but he seemed to have got the message from one sentence. The way he delicately took off my shoes made me feel like a princess and I began to blush lightly. Hopefully he can't tell...

     "Here Chloè, your shoes." He said as he stood up and handed me my heels.

     "I could have taken them off myself you know."

     "Oh ya, right." He looks down and blushes with a frown. "Well, let's get going. There's few enough people now that it will be hard to find a place." He grabs a camera and his sketch pad and a pencil.

     "What's the camera for?"

     "In case I need a reference later in the drawing or if we have to leave early. It's starting to look like it may rain."

     "That's what I was thinking."

     "Hey, I know a great place for you to pose, but first I want one of you sitting on the edge of the water fountain." Nathaniël helps steady me as I get on the edge and makes sure I don't fall in.

   I end up posing with my outside leg straight and my inside knee bend while I wrap my arms around it and lay my head on my knee cap. Once he has a few pictures of me on the water fountain he leads me to a bench underneath a large tree. It was a very romantic spot with roses on either side of the bench. After he gets the pictures I grab my stuff and sit next to him. On the bench he draws on sketch and then we start talking and laughing. I pull my phone out and take a selfie of the two of us.

     "You should send me that picture." He says happily.

     "Well I would but," I draw out my words and finish promptly, "I don't have your phone number. Here, I'll give you mine though." I take his phone and put my number in it. "There. Remember, I want copies of those sketches. I have to go now, bye Nathaniël!" I say happily.

     "Bye, Chloè."

_______latter that week________
          Nathaniël's point of view

   Now that I sent Chloè here copies, where did I put those original drawings. "Ah, here they are." Wait, these are the copies! Oh no, oh no, oh no! I wrote all over the originals!

________latter that day_________
              Chloè's point of view

   Look my copies of the Nathaniël's drawings are here. I open the package with the papers and am shocked when I read the scribbles on the page.
Je t'aime Chloè, La mignonne, Mon amour and other sweet things are scribbled all over the page. My stomach turns when I see it and my brain goes fuzzy. Why do I feed like this? No, I but, I, Adrien... Adrien doesn't matter any more, because I think I'm in love with Nathaniël...

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