What happened to us? (Part 1)

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              Adrien's point of view
    10 years after finishing high school

     "Adra-kins! Our high school reunion invite just came in the mail! We should totally go and show off how happy and rich we are now that we're married!"

     "Rich maybe but not happy." I mutter under my breath. "We're engaged, not married."

"But we'll be married soon!"

"Not if I can help it." I mutter once again.

I can't believe my father is making me marry this girl just so her dad would invest in his company. It's not even his company anymore! He gave it to his apprentice, whoever that poor sap is. Plus, after all this time the akumas have just gotten worse, it's like Hawk Moth quit his day job or something...

Anyway, I still don't know who the hell Ladybug is! Plus, now I have to find out who Jade Turle, Vulpina, and Queen Bee are! And I think Alya and Nino are mad at me for marrying Chloè, something about an obvious ship or whatever. I guess she said That 'I killed her otp' or something.

   "Sure. I guess we can go but I may have a photoshoot." I finally say as I stand up from the table.

     "I can't wait to rub our marriage in Marinette's face! From what I hear she's still single! Isn't that surprising, not!" Chloè cackles with her hands on her stomach. I roll my eyes at her, sometimes I wish we were still in high school.

"Engagement." I say as I walk closer to the door.

I hate when Chloè talks badly about Marinette. What ever happened to her? I wish I could tell Marinette what happened was a mistake. I just want to see her again. I haven't seen her in forever.

     "Adra-kins, why don't we share a bedroom? Do you not love me?" No.

     "Because you kick in your sleep and you snore, plus we're not married yet."

"I do not! Now you have a photoshoot in 5 hours so you better start getting ready or you won't be ready in time."

     "That's what I was getting up to do before you stopped me." A bitterly snap at her.

     "Well I have to go meet the girls at the mall." She says as being to walk away. "What, no goodbye kiss?"

     "I have get ready now."

I have never kissed her and never will. We didn't even kiss at the wedding. Our marriage is simply a business deal that was forced into by my father. I was in love with another girl when my father said that I would marry her, in fact we were dating. I didn't even get to explain why I was marrying Chloè, my father just dragged me away before I could tell her why. Hell, I'm surprised that my father let me meet with the girl to tell her. I was even more surprised that my father let Chloè and I move out of his house.


Marinette's point of view

I don't think I'll go to the reunion. Everyone is probably going and I bet even Alix and Kim are going to take a break from their world travel to come. I just don't think I could see Adrien again. I wonder if I should ask Chat Noir for advice. I wonder if Chat Noir was in my class, even if he isn't telling him about my high school reunion will narrow down who I could be! That would only bring him closer to knowing who I am and I'm not ready for that. Though, I have noticed that Chat's been considerably less flirty that normal the past few months. I wonder what happened-

"Miss Dupen-Chang are you ok?" I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of a reporter's voice. That's right I'm an interview for the new fashion lineup.

"Hum? Oh, yes what was the question again?"

"Can you tell us anything about your plans on the brand's name?"

"Well, I was simply going to add Dupen-Chang to the brand's name."

"So the brand will now be called Agrestè & Dupen-Chang?"

"Well I do plan on clearing that with Mr. Agrestè and his son before the change is officially put into progress."

"Well that wraps up this interview." The reporter says as she stands up and extends her hand. "It was very kind of you to do this interview. I see Mr. Agrestè hasn't rubbed off on you too much. He never did interviews." I stand up and shake her hand.

"Of course. The public needs to know the this iconic brand is well taken care of and won't die out any time soon." I say with a smile.

"Goodbye ma'am and have a nice day."

"Goodbye and a good day to you too." After the reporter leaves I sigh and fall back into my chair.

"Marinette are you ok?"

"Hey Tikki. Ya I'm fine. Just trying to figure out if I'm going to this high school reunion next week."

"You will." I give Tikki a sharpe glare and she continues. "I know you and you will go, even if it's just an excuse to see Alya and Nino's kids."

"You're right." I say with a smile and a small giggle. "How do you know me so well?"

"I live with you and am practically always with you." Tikki replies pointedly.

     "Well then, I guess we're going to a high school reunion next weekend." I giggle a bit and speak again. "Hey, maybe you'll see Chat Noir's kwami."

     "I'll see Plagg if A- Oh wait you don't want to know who Chat Noir is. Too bad, if you knew I could see Plagg all the time."

     "You know who Chat is!"

     "Yep, I've known since day 2!"

     "Day 2!"

     "Yes! Day 1 I caught a glimpse of him in the rain, day 2 I confirmed it while you where in class!"

     "Chat's in my class!"


     "I need to sit down."

     "You are sitting down."

     "Then I need to stand up." I stand up and start to pace while Tikki floats in one place.

Ladybug x Chat Noir (Cat Noir) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now