Horror Movies Are Our Thing

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This is your king speaking. Ok for everyone who doesn't speak Spanish, the picture reads 'I will care of you in the good and the bad I would not mind if I had to put my life at risk' and I think that it's the sad truth to Adrien's thoughts. The video is just an awesome version of the Miraculous Ladybug theam song and I'm now talking requests for chapter ideas! This chapter is post revile and Marinette is dating Adrien. Ok, continue on and good bye for now my sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter, sinnamony and other assorted readers!

Marinette's point of view

"Hey dudes." Nino says as he walk over to Alya, Adrien and me.

"Hey Nino. Ok so now that the group is all here, I say we have a scary movie night since Halloween is so close." Alya burst out, excited about her idea.

She thinks I'm going to get scared and hide behind Adrien, that's funny.

"Don't worrie princess, I'll protect you if you get scared." Adrien whispers in my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist, causing me to blush.

"And where exactly would we be do this little movie night, Alya?" I ask, a bit pointedly I might add.

"Well, uhm... Your house, maybe." She mutters. "Ok unless anyone else has a better idea for the weekend, I don't want to hear it." Alya practically shouts after we snicker at her sudden stutter.

Hey, it's fair game. She use to laugh at me every time I stuttered around Adrien and so I can laugh at her embarrassed stutter. Well if it's fair game, why do I feel so bad...

"Sorry Alya. That was really mean of us to laugh." I glare at Nino and he finally gets the message and a apologizes.

"Sorry Alya." When Adrien doesn't get the hint from Nino apologizing, I step on his foot.

"Ow! S-sorry Alya."

"Thanks Marinette." Alya says while glaring at Nino.

Adrien leans over my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Careful, your Ladybug is showing." He laughs a bit in my ear and I decided to get back a bit.

"Not as bad as your Chaton shows all the time, especially around me." I say right back.

"Stop calling me kitten! I'm a cat, not a kitten." He says a bit mad, but as he continues to speak, his voice softens. "I actually think I should be Volpina."

"Oh, and why is that?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Because I'm" I start speaking with him and we begin to speak in sink, "a fox." I roll my eyes and look at him.

"You gotta be kitten me! How did you know I was feline extra punny right meow?"

"Oh man those puns are pawful. Darn it! Now I'm doing it!" Adrien laughs a bit and unwraps one arm from my waist, so that he can walk beside me.

"Come on purrincess, lets get to class."
_________after school_________
Still Marinette's point of view

I'm standing outside the school, waiting for Adrien, he has fencing after school today, but should only be about another 5 minutes, when I hear screaming. Worried there might be an akuma victim, I turn to look, but instead I'm tackled to the ground by Alya.

"What happened?" I ask exasperatedly.

"Ok girl, so I was annoying Adrien,"

"As usual" I interrupt, but she ignores me and goes on,

"And Adrien said that if I left him alone, he'd get me an interview with Ladybug! Isn't that awesome!" My eyes go wide in shock and then too an expression of annoyance.

"Ya, pawsome- I mean awesome!"

"Good, because you're coming with me when I interview her!" Again, wide eyes of shock.

"What!?! Uhm, excuse he while I go talk to Adrien." I storm into the school and mange to catch Adrien just as he walks out of the locker room.

"Bug-a-boo!" He says happily. I stop short of his open arms and cross my own, all he while glaring at him.

"Adrien." I remark extremely ticked off and Adrien's expression changes to one of sadness and slight fear.

"This is about the Alya thing, huh?" I nod. "I'm sorry, she wouldn't go away! She just kept talking about Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug and, oh ya, Ladynoir." I smile for a second at that one and Adrien capitalizes on it. "Ya, I thought it was funny too, until she got 1, pictures and 2, fanfics!" I really crack up at that. "She had already explained fluff and was about to explain lemon vs. smut."

"Ok, ok I get it, but now you get to come up with an excuse as to why Marinette can't go." I say with a smile.

"Ok, can we go now?"

"Yes, come on." I say as I turn and walk away. Adrien quickly catches up and wraps one arm around me.

_______Marinette's house______
Marinette's point of view

"Well everyone's here, we have snacks, we have the movies and it's starting to get dark, lets start the first movie!" Alya says happily.

We all sit on the couch together, Nino is the farthest left, Alya cuddled up to him. Adrien is next to her and as his arms wrapped around my waist. I'm practically sitting on him, because of how close he's holding me, too. The others think it's because he just wants to hold me, but I know the truth. The truth is that he hates horror movies.

When we get to the first jump scare, Adrien hides his head behind me. The second scare and I end up holding him. The third and he's curled up in a ball next to me and at the climax I find him in my lap, barring his face in my neck.

"Scaredy Chat." I whisper in Adrien's ear. I must of surprised him, because when I do, he jumps. "I stand by my choice of nickname, Chaton."

I look over and see Alya terrified with her head on Nino's chest. Nino and I give each other a look disbelief at how scared the two of them are. I mean, Adrien fights villains in his free time! How can he be so frightened by a movie? By the end of the movie, Alya is asleep and Adrien is petrified with fear.

"Ok, I've tried not to, but" I grab my phone off the end table and take a picture of Alya and Nino. "I had to do that." Nino rolls his eyes and grabs his phone.

"Well I want a picture of this for blackmail and Alya is going to want this for her scrapbook." Nino takes a picture of Adrien and me, then puts in the next movie.

_______in the morning________
Sabine(mari's mom)'s point of view

I walked downstairs with Tom in the morning. He went down to open the bakery and I went to check on the kids. I laughed a bit when I saw them and decided to let them sleep. Nino was asleep sitting up and Aly was laying with her head in his lap. Marinette was sitting up with Adrien on her lap, his face buried in Marinette's neck. Adrien's arms where wrapped around Marinette's neck and her arms where around him with her head laying on his. Before I leave them, I take a picture of each set on all their phones.

"There. They are all so cute." I say before going down to the bakery for work.

Ladybug x Chat Noir (Cat Noir) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now