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Adrian was sour as hell. After dealing with airports and their bullshit, and a long ass flight, his pa had got him a cab to take him home. It was a long trip that he was angry he had to take in silence, save from the short phone conversation he had with Julius and his friends.

By the time they got to the Pacific Heights flats, he was ready to curse his father out for not being the one to pick him up. He grabbed his suitcase from the trunk and the man drove off, paid in advance.

He walked into the building, instantly receiving a look from the woman at the front desk. He was sure it had less to do with him being black and more to do with the fact that he had a ghetto air to him.

"Um, well, hello." The woman looked on edge. "You need help with something, sir?"

He didn't blame her but it didn't stop him from catching an attitude. "Nope. I'm sure Freddy Engels of level 4 apartment 8 had said his son Adrian was arriving tonight and to give me the key but I don't need it so have a nice night." Before she could respond, he made his way to the elevator, punching in the code that would have been easier if he had the apartment key but he didn't need her assistance.

He stepped on, frowning at her one last time as the elevator quickly took him to the fourth floor.

Since he didn't have the keep to the apartment, he had to knock in a way that could only be him.

"Adriaaaaaaaaan!" Freddy opened the door, striking a pose at the door frame by clutching it with one hand and hold up his arm with his hip cocked out. "Your fabulous papa has been waiting."

Adrian looked up at his dramatic father. He was almost unnaturally tall at six foot four inches and lanky as lanky could be. Plus, he was taller in heels, which he loved to wear. The man stretched a light freckled hand to him, his acrylic nails a deep shade of red. That was a new development from last year. He usually kept only his natural nails painted.

"Hi, pa." He greeted tiredly, wrapping his arms around the man's thin waist and inhaling his Hermes perfume that Adrian never understood why he'd pay so much for. Sure, it smelt good but his limit was $200 for fragrances. This perfume was 10x that.

"Oh, my love!" His father rubbed his head, dragging him inside the lavish apartment as the boy grabbed for his suitcase before the man could kick the door shut with his platform boot.

He pushed Adrian away, getting a good look at him. "Aw, you look so much like a man! Look at youuuuu! You filled out." He pinched his cheeks. "Gained some weight?" The man with a slight English accent touched his dreads. "Oh, sweetie... these HAVE to go. Don't look at me like that..... they're a mess! You have hippie dreads."

Judging by the Aretha Franklin blasting around the large living room, he was alone.

"Turn down the music, pleeeeease." He begged.

The man ran a hand through his teal colored  shoulder length waves, a grin stretching across his heavily freckled face. "What? You wanna hear all that 'nigga nigga nigga' you listen to."

"Yeah but if not, turn off the music." He rolled his suitcase down the long hallway to his room, opening the door to the very well decorated space. He adored his room but his parents rarely let him stay in it for long. Quickly, he dropped his suitcase and his carry on backpack, wanting to rush back over to his father.

"Adriaaaaan, the music is off! Come back to your poor, lonely father!"

He did as told before there was an issue, joining his dad on the red love seat, laying his head on his shoulder.

Adrian Likes JuliusWhere stories live. Discover now