Chapter 2: Mouse trap

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[Blake] "*Sigh~*"
[Yang] "what's up, kitty cat?"
[Blake] "it's nothing. Just thinking I might give my book away."
[Yang] "eh? I thought that was one of your favourites? I've seen you read and reread that thing so many times."
[Blake] "I know, it's just-"

The sound of knocking at the door interrupted the girls conversation.

[Yang] "who is it!?"
[Sol] "it's me. Can I come in and grab my stuff?"

Yang showed a visible look of both annoyance and disgust before she replied.

[Yang] "*Sigh* be quick about it."

The door opened to reveal the white haired boy, smiling awkwardly as he entered the room.

[Yang] "what's up with that smile. It's creepy."
[Sol] "eh? Well... this is the first time you've let me in the room since that day."
[Yang] "ah-"

An awkward silence filled the room after Sols comment, broken only by Blake moving towards the door, book in hand.

[Sol] "hey, that book..."
[Blake] "what?"
[Sol] "that's one of your favourites isn't it?"
[Blake] "not anymore."

With that, Blake walked past Sol, both Yang and Sols eyes gazing back at the moody cat Faunus.

[Yang] "what did I say? Get your stuff and get out of here!"
[Sol] "r-right!"

Sol quickly rushed into the room, collecting any belongings Ryu might have gathered before taking a moment and placing down a partially chipped and battle worn Dragons Fang in place of the small amount of items.

[Yang] "huh? Why are you leaving that here?"
[Sol] "I'm not Ryu, this isn't mine. It's better being looked after by his friends, and by Ruby."

Yang could not hold back her surprise at the boys' words and actions. A blank stare with her mouth open as Sol gave her one last smile before heading out of the room.

[Yang] "huh...maybe..."


Outside the dormitory, Blake has been staring out past the outskirts of the academy, seemingly deep in thought and not noticing the golden eyed boy leaning on a nearby tree behind her.

[Sol] "come here often?"
[Blake] "ah!?"

Blake let out a surprised squeak as she turned to face the one that called out to her.

[Blake] "why are you here?"
[Sol] "cause I figured you'd be here?"
[Blake] "what?"

Sol walked up beside the black haired Faunus girl, gazing out in a similar fashion as she was moments ago.

[Sol] "this is where you and Ryu spoke for the first time. You've been coming here a few times."
[Blake] "you've been following me?"
[Sol] "no, I can sense the negativity of people.
Ryu always had me making sure you guys were safe so I've come to be able to tell where you guys are most of the time."
[Blake] "that's... useful. And I guess it's good knowing that he still cared about us all that time."
[Sol] "he never wanted to leave you guys."
[Blake] "'re different to how I pictured you."
[Sol] "eh? Is that good or bad?"
[Blake] "can I ask you something?"
[Sol] "sure"
[Blake] "what are you? Why do act like this? Why stay here?"
[Sol] "ok, well for starters that's three somethings. Um, as for what I am... I'm not entirely sure myself. I used to be a Grimm, I know that much. I act like this because of the same reason you act the way you do."
[Blake] "oh?"
[Sol] "because it's me. I don't really know or remember any other way to behave other than just being me. And as for your final question... I guess it's because I like you guys. And I, doubt Ryu would be happy if he woke up in the middle of nowhere."

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