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Luna's  Pov

'Luna, Luna' I wake slowly up through someone who whispers my name. 'Let me sleep' I say sleepy. 'Luna,  wake up' I open my eyes and look up and realize I am on a plane with Matteo next to me. I almost jump up. 'What?' He laughs. 'Are we almost in Cancun?' 'In a half an hour we land.' 'Seriously?' He nods. 'So stay up then you can see the beautiful view' I smile. 'Want to listen to some music' 'Sounds good but I choose' I laugh. 'You wish it is my phone' I tease and put one earphone in his ear and the other in mine. 'This time, but next time it is mine music' 'Mmh, sure' I laugh. I put the new album of the Vamps on. 'What is this?' 'The new album of the Vamps' 'And why do I have to listen to it?' He teases. 'Because I like it a lot and you are my boyfriend now so you have to sometimes things for me.' 'You are lucky you are so cute' And he touches my nose. I blush a little and we listen to the music. Before we know it we land and we walk out of the plane. We get our suitcases and walk through the airport. When we want to walk to the exit I see Simon standing in the opening. I give my suitcase to Matteo and run to Simon and jump on his back. 'WE ARE BACK' 'You don't have to scream in my ear, but yeah, WELCOME BACK' He says while I jump off his back and hug him. 'Can you believe it?' I ask way too excited. The rest walks to us while we are laughing when we begin to rumble about our memories. 'Do we miss people?' Tamara begins and everybody turns to her. She counts everybody. 'I think we have everybody' 'Where are we going to sleep?' I ask exciting. 'Ambar was so sweet to let us sleep in her vacation house. But the only bummer is that there isn't enough place for all of us so Simon, Ambar, Matteo and Luna sleep in that house and Me, Nina, Gaston, Delfi and Jazmin in a hotel what is really nearby. I will text you all the schedule so you all know how late you have to be everywhere but not everybody has to attend at everything so look good where you have to be and where not. So everybody, take your stuff and I see you all with dinner' We all wave her goodbye and she goes to the hotel. 'Girls are you coming with me to the house. I need to unpack my stuff and I need help' 'Of course we are coming' I giggle, Ambar changed but she will always keep doing like this against Jazmin and Delfi. Ambar gives Simon a kiss and they walk away. Nina goes stand next to me. 'We are going to the hotel to drop our stuff but text me when you know when you can give us a tour through Cancun because I would like to see it.' Matteo and Gaston agreed. 'Yeah, of course. We will find time for that, you need to see it here.' They wave us bye and walk to the hotel. 'So are we also going to the house?' 'Sounds good' We grab a cab and drive to my old home. When we get there we get out of the car. 'I go to my family, I haven't seen them for ages' 'Give them all a hug and say hi from me. Oh and if we have time this week, I will come with you, I can't wait to see them again.' 'I would do that, they also probably can't wait to see you again.' Simon gives me and Matteo a hug and gets back in the cab to his home. We walk inside and I go to my old room and Matteo to his room for a week. It is weird to be back. Everything is the same except of course the stuff that I take with me. I pull my dresser and go to the window. I look out over the garden with the pool and I see Ambar talking with Jazmin and Delfi. It looks like 2 years ago when I still lived here. I am so into the view I don't hear that somebody is entering my room until I feel two arms wrapped around my waist and a head on my shoulder. 'It is beautiful here' Matteo says. 'Yeah, sometimes I miss it a lot.' I turn me around and he let me go. 'Maybe we can do something then?!' 'I would like that, we can tour through Cancun, of course, I will guide you all this week through Cancun but maybe we can explore before that something together.' 'Sounds good, maybe we also can eat somewhere, we don't need to be somewhere the rest of the day.' I nod. 'Let's go then' I grab my skates and helmet just like Matteo and we put them on outside. 'Where should we go?' 'I know a place, but you first have to keep up with me' 'What, why?' 'Because I am a lot faster than you' I say and skate away. He laughs. 'You wish' and skates after me. 

The whole afternoon we skate through Cancun and sat at places we liked. Now we are eating at my favorite Mexican restaurant. 'I really liked today' 'Yeah, me too. I loved to show you my city' 'I loved that you were my guide.' I smile. 'Can I ask you something about Ambar?' 'Yeah, sure' 'Do you think Ambar really changed? I mean I thought she changed but now it looks like she turned back when we are here.' 'Do you think she will turn back to the bad Ambar?' I nod. 'I am worried that Simon gets hurt' He takes my hand. 'I get that, I don't know we can trust Ambar.' 'Did you saw how she acted this morning, we were here only an hour and she already almost forgot Simon.' 'I understand you are worried, but if she actually turns back to her old-self has Simon always you and all his other friends. Don't worry, everything will turn out well.' 'I hope so' I sigh. 'So I go pay the bill and after that, I will win the race to the mansion.' I laugh. 'If you believe that, sure' He laughs and go pay the bill. 

Soy Luna Fanfic - Just Friends?✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant