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In class, I couldn't really concentrate. Gaston talked also a lot to me but the only thing I heard of what he said is that he is nervous. Well, he isn't the only one. I was never nervous when I needed to perform with Ambar. But it isn't that I am nervous for that we can't do it. With Luna, I only can be better. But I don't know there is something inside me that is nervous about something and maybe is it just good nervously and I am stressing for nothing. But the whole day this was in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about it. The last class of today was already and we walk out of the class to our lockers. 'So should we already go to Roller now?' 'You don't want to change first?' 'I have my clothes already in Roller.' 'Okay, I don't have my clothes there so I first have to go home. Are you coming with me or with Luna?' Gaston smirks and I punch him. 'Really funny dude. No, I'm coming with you. I don't like her.' 'Yeah, sure, you can't lie to your best friend you know.' I punch him again. He really needs to shut his mouth sometimes. We take our stuff and walk to Gaston's house.

Almost an hour later we are ready in Roller and waiting for the competition to start. Gaston and I are sitting in the dressing room after that I changed. 'Matteo'  The door flies open. Luna runs inside. 'Gaston' 'Luna what is wrong?' She takes a paper out of her pocket. 'What is that?' 'The list with the order of the duos' I begin to laugh. 'What?' Gaston and Luna both say. 'I thought there was something really bad that happened.' They begin also to laugh. 'Maybe I get a little bit too excited.' 'Maybe?' We all laugh again. 'But what is the order?' Gaston asks eventually. 'The first duo is Ambar and Simon, then comes Ramiro and Yam after them Nico and Jim are. You and Nina are after them and as 5th are Matteo and me' 'But Pedro and Delfi are also competing right?!' 'Yes, they were but they stopped suddenly' 'Oh okay then. Thanks for saying, Luna. I will say it to Nina.' He stands up and gives Luna a hug and we do our handshake. When Gaston walks out the door, Luna stands with her back to him so she can't see him. He pulls his thumbs in the air. That boy. I roll my eyes and Luna goes sit in the chair after the door closed. 'Do you mind if I change her? 'Uhm no, sure go ahead.' 'You know that I don't change when you are here?!' 'Right, I go then.' She laughs and I walk away and shut the door. I go to the lockers, there is nobody. Weird normally was this always the place where everybody waited for they turn. I go sit and put my skates on. There is a screen so I can watch the competition from her. Tamara skates in the rink. It is going to start. Ambar and Simon are the first duo, so I think it is really weird Luna isn't here to look at their performance. I skate to the dressing room and knock on the door. 'Yes?' I hear from the other side. 'Are you ready? Ambar and Simon are and I don't think you want to miss them.' 'Ohh thank you so much. No, of course, I want to see Simon skate.' 'Come on then.' I say through the door and the door flies open. And there she stands, even more beautiful than normal. I didn't know that was possible. 'You look beautiful.' I stutter. 'Well, thank you Chico Fresa. You aren't ugly as well.' 'Thanks, Chica delivery.' We stare both at each other until I realize that Ambar and Simon probably already started. 'Should we go?' 'Let's go.' I grab her hand and we skate to the rink. To my surprise is everybody there. Luna skates to the border. Ambar and Simon already started but they are really good. I skate to Gaston, who stands with Nina. After they performance, they skate to Tamara who gives them their points. 34 points. Dammit, that is high for the first time. That would be hard to get higher than that. Simon skates to the border and Luna flies in a hug with Simon. 'Simon, you were amazing.' 'Don't overdo.' 'No really Simon, you are a really good team.' 'Better than we were?' She let him go and punches him. 'That is not fair to ask. We were newbies on the rink.' They laugh. A pain goes through my stomach. I am not jealous. No, I am not jealous. 'I am really excited for your performance you know?!' She smiles. 'No, I know that.' Ambar skates to them. 'You were also really good Ambar.' She is so nice to her even when Ambar isn't to her. 'Thanks, Lunita. I really appreciate that. Good luck with your performance I bet it is amazing.' 'Thanks, Ambar' Wait what? Did Ambar just said that she thinks we are going to do it amazing? She really changed. 'Well, I let you two alone' And she skates to us. Ramiro and Yam are now. You see their chemistry, they are really good but not as good as Ambar and Simon. 'Gaston, we are going to the dressing room.' I hear Nina say 'Okay but hurry. Because after Nico and Jim we are.' 'I know, I know. Don't worry.'  She gives Gaston a hug and skates away with Luna. I look around when I see Luna's parents. They also see me and wave. I wave back and smile. When Gaston whispers something. 'I didn't know you were already good friends with your parents-in-law.' I punch him and turn me around. He has a big smirk on his face. 'Funny dude. They aren't my parents-in-law you know that right?!' 'Not yet.' I punch him even harder and we both begin to laugh. 'But seriously they are really nice.' 'Mmmh' and we laugh again. Jim and Nico skate of the rink. 'Shit, we are.' Gaston says. 'Nina isn't still here.' 'Maybe she forgot the time. Or she is too scared.' 'Can you keep Tamara busy I going to get Nina. I nod. I walk to Tamara and tell the case to her. She nods and keeps the audience busy until they come.  I will skate to the dressing room when I see they already come back. Tamara sees them too and goes further with the competition. Luna gives Nina a good luck hug and I hug Gaston. They skate to the middle of the rink and begin to skate. Nina becomes really good in a short time and Gaston rocks it as always. When they are done with skating they get 32 points. That is really high for their first time. We are. I want to grab Luna's hand when I see she isn't there. I look around and no Luna. 'Simon' 'Yeah' He turns around. 'Where is Luna?' 'I thought she was with you?' 'No, she disappeared.' 'Fucking hell. There has to be something bad. She would never miss the competition.' 'I call her. Do you ask her parents if they know something.' 'No, no. They don't have to know it then they become worried and I don't want to have that.' 'Good point.' 'I ask if Gaston and Nina can keep Tamara busy again. And I will look for her.' I nod. Simon became nicer since he has with Ambar. I call Luna. No answer. Shit. I skate through Roller if I can find her. I don't care about the competition anymore. I just want to know where Luna is. I have to know if everything is okay. I skate outside to look for her. I want to skate to her home when I crash into something. Better saying, someone. 'Can you don't look out where you...'  I begin when I see it is Luna. 'Luna, What are you doing here? C'mon we are' I grab her hand but she keeps staying where she is. 'Luna, what are you doing?' She begins to cry. Oh No. 'Come sit'  I walk to the bench. She comes sit next to me. 'Tell me what is wrong.' I take her hand. 'Do you trust me?' She nods a little. 'Tell me then. Maybe I can help you.' She takes a deep breath. 'It is my necklace.' 'What?' 'I don't have it anymore.' 'What do you mean?' 'Miss. Sharon took it I think. I can't find it anymore. But I can't perform without my necklace.' 'Yes, you can.' 'Matteo you don't understand it. That necklace gives me hope and good luck. And now I don't have it anymore. I don't think I can do it. You have to do it without me.' 'Luna don't be crazy. I do it with you or I don't do it.' At the same moment, Gaston calls me. 'Dude, where are you?' 'I'm with Luna, I found her.' 'Great, but come back you have to perform.' 'Okay, we are coming.' I hung up. 'No we are not.' 'Luna, you trust me right?!' She nods. 'Then trust me that everything is going to turn out well. You don't need your necklace to skate well. It is your talent what does that. Come with me please?' I grab her hand and luckily she goes with me. We skate as fast as we can to Roller.  When Nina and Gaston see us they skate to us give us a hug and go stand at the side of the rink. We skate to the middle of the rink and Tamara let us begin. We skate at the song Vuelo. We do our choreography and everything went perfectly. The last thing is a kind of lift. I throw Luna in the air while she spins around. I catch her and pull her down. We both do a pirouette, stop and we stand next to each other and at the last beat, we turn to each other. Everybody begins to cheer and clap. 'See that you can do it without your necklace.' 'You are right' She almost screams and she gives me hug. When we let each other go, we stare into each other's eyes. They only thing that goes through my head is: Kiss her, Kiss her, Kiss her. I try to keep my mind on the competition or by the fact that her parents are in the audience and all our friends. But I can't. I lean in and we kiss. A perfect ending. Everybody begins to cheer harder. But I can't hear that clearly, my head is only by Luna. As always. I pull back and I smile. But Luna doesn't smile. 'Why did you kiss me?'  She says angrily.

*A/N: Hey, another chapter is done. Not as long as the rest but I really wanted to update. So hope you liked it anyway. Thanks for everybody who reads my story it becomes a lot what I really didn't expect. So thank you so much! It means a lot! X Laura

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