"So how's it like being medicine cat apprentice?" Sedgekit questioned with a flick of her tail, her eyes also sparking with curiosity. Honeypaw set down her moss so she could speak.

"It's amazing." Honeypaw purred, she pushed the moss into the den and greeted the two queens that were inside. Goldenleaf rested her nest as she watched Hollykit and Burnkit toss a smaller ball of moss to each other. They weren't very old, but they were just as playful as the others. Squirreltail was resting as well, her eyes closed but her ears perked up. Icepteal had returned to the warriors den, feeling her kits were old enough to care for themselves in the den but visited all the time. Squirreltail's kits were old enough as well, but Pebblestep told her that Squirreltail couldn't return to her warrior duties because her eyes were injured in the fire, she wasn't completely blind, but Pebblestep her vision was pretty much gone.

"I have moss for you." Honeypaw mewed, Squirreltail opened her eyes. Around them was small burn scars and a fog in her green eyes.

"Thank you, Honeypaw." Squirreltail stood up and helped roll up the current moss into a ball for Honeypaw to take out. "It's been awhile since we got new moss, and every time we do it's always thin and has rocks in it." Her tone was mildly annoyed. "And it's always from Falconpaw."

Honeypaw's pelt burned slightly as she set out the new moss for the queens and kits. "I don't think he likes that part of being an apprentice so much." She wished her brother would take more care in the moss he got for the queens and elders.

"Well he should." Squirreltail's ears twitched. "No apprentice likes gathering moss, but he shouldn't take it out on elders and kits."

"I suppose I could talk to him." Honeypaw looked at her paws, she really didn't want to give her brother another reason to be annoyed with her, they were finally on somewhat decent terms, even if they didn't really talk to each other.

"Please do." Squirreltail mewed and laid down her fresh moss, letting out a content sigh. "That's much better. Thank you, Honeypaw. You're shaping up to be a wonderful medicine cat."

Honeypaw's pelt burned hotter, she looked away bashfully. "Well, thanks. I hope I can be as good as Pebblestep someday." Squirreltail let out a purr, and Honeypaw pelt shoving as Sedgekit pressed against her.

"So what do you do as a medicine cat apprentice?" She questioned, Honeypaw pushed the soiled moss out of the den and turned to speak to the kits.

"Well, Pebblestep mostly teaches me about herbs, how to use them and where to find them." Honeypaw explained. "There's not much more too it than that." Honeypaw suddenly remembered the exciting news she had learned. "But tonight I get to go to the moonstone and speak with StarClan."

"Really?" All six kits had tuned in to listen now, their eyes wide with excitement. "How far is the moonstone?" Petalkit questioned.

Honeypaw shrugged. "I know that we have to go through MoonClan territory to get to it though, and I have to take special herbs so the journey is easier."

"Which herbs?" Dovekit asked with a tilt of her head, her whiskers twitching as she questioned Honeypaw.

"Daisy, which soothes joints, sorrel which helps with appetite, chamomile which helps keep relaxed and burnet which helps with strength."

"Wow." Pikekit mewed with awe. "There's a lot of herbs out there." He pointed out. "How do you know so many? Does Pebblestep know them all?"

"I'm not sure if she knows every herb out there, there are so many we probably haven't even used. I know that there are certain herbs that only AshClan or LichenClan uses because they don't grow in our territory." Honeypaw explained, a feeling of satisfaction warming her as she saw the bright glow in the kits' eyes.

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now