Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

hey arrived at the old damaged trailer, Jughead fumbled for the short key from his pocket. Unlocking the door, the heavy smell of alcohol and grease embracing them burning Jughead nostril. He looked down in disgrace, embarrassed that his girlfriend was here , smelling the ever present stain that was his own father. Jughead had been back to the trailer after his Dads arrest and had cleaned up. Assuming that would be his new home, that was until social services called, and fucked everything up for him.

Betty stepped in and looked around.

"You cleaned up?" She asked letting her bag drop to the floor.

"Yeah .I assumed I would be eventually moving in here but everything is not as seems in our justly legal system."

"Where do we start?" Betty asked as she picked up and unfolded a brown cardboard box.

They began in the kitchen. Nothing belonged to him. They moved into the living room. He found a few old DVD's and games. Not that he had a console to play them on, he had always used Archie's. She sifted through the doors finding some old photos of his family all together on Jughead's eleventh birthday, himself and his sister stood outside the old trailer and one of his parents and his old dog, Spot. She slipped them into a box. She knew that Jughead would deny wanting to keep the photos and tell her to leave them, but she knew that deep down he would regret leaving them behind. Leaving the only good memories he had behind, because that was what they were now good events that had happened, made to be forgotten.

They moved into the bedroom, the whole experience had left them speechless. The air between them thin.

Jughead maneuverered through the wardrobe finding a few t-shirts, a pair of jeans that belonged to him and an old pair of shoes that no longer fit. He placed them in the box and sealed it up with a sticky piece of brown masking tape.

"I guess we are done."

Betty sat back on the bed. "Now what?" She asked.

He shrugged moving the box to the door.

She sighed, building up enough determination to ask ...

"Do you want to talk about what's happening?" Besides the annual updates on when he was moving, they had never actually discussed what was going on and how it would affect both of their lives.

"I suppose." He sighed after a brief period of silence, jumping onto the bed and sitting next to Betty.

"This isn't the end of the world you know Jughead. Your still attending Riverdale High, we can still work on the mystery and spend countless nights at Pops drinking milkshakes. Little is going to change." She explained.

"Yeah.. I know," He looked down.

"Then what's the matter?" She asked sadly.

"Nothing." His response was quick and sharp.

"Jughead, I know you. Its going to be okay, just tell me what's on your mind. Bottling it up wont make it go away." She told him.

He released a ruff breath. He knew she saw right through him, she knew him like the back of her hand.

"Alright, alright. I guess I'm just scared." He confessed he gaze fixated anywhere that wasn't her.

"Scared of what?" She pressed.

He stood up in agitation. "I don't know! Of loosing you, of loosing what we have."

"What makes you think that, were great arnt we?"

"Yeah we are, that's what makes this so hard. This is the best thing I've had in a while. And I'm just scared that change is going to take it all away."

She stood taking both of his hands in hers, looking him dead in his glossy blue eyes.

"Jughead this is going to change nothing between us. If anything it will only make us stronger."

"I love you Betty.."

"I love you too."

He leant in, lips brushing hers. They held a long passionate kiss in one another's arms. The kiss got stronger, more power behind each breath. They started moving back , until Bettys legs hit the base of the bed. Then she pulled her self upon it, pulling Jughead between her legs, their kiss still strong. He moved his hand down her back and back up to the zip of her dress thumbing it, from the occasion at the town hall. He moved the zip down , her black lace dress drooping loosely at her shoulders. She pulled his grey , crowned beanie, his curls falling loosly. He pushed her down onto the bed.

The following hours they spent together. Physically and mentally.

Young and in love..

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