Lets kill.

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"You were not supposed to hurt her!" I said angrily, "You couldn't control yourself? You didn't learn anything in these 300 years of your life."

"I am sorry, My prince." Drake said looking guilty, "As I told earlier, It wasn't my mistake. Jasmine. She felt the urge to feed on the girl. I was trying to stop her, I snapped her neck so she stops for sometime until she gains consciousness again. But. But Then I smelt her scent. Before I could control I.."

Before he could say more, I gestured him to quiet.

"Where is she now?" I asked angrily.

"My Prince, She is in the cave dungeons." Drake said moving his hands in his long orange hair, "I hid her their so nobody could scent her as the dungeons are cursed with magic for us not to scent blood of people there. She will be safe, Till you want her to be."

"Yes. Till I want her to be." I nodded.

"If you want to go there, I can escort you." Drake said.

"I will see her. But not yet. " I said moving my fingers across my sword, "But first we need to end this Francisco, The last alive leader, The last betrayer of my father's army camp." i clenched my fists.

"We have been killing them, Mostly in these last four years. And." Drake said.

"And? And what?" I shouted at him.

"Jonathon knows that its you. He knows you are alive and near. You are labeled as wanted. We cannot go in the city's streets. We would be caught. Its not safe." Drake said with a tremble in his voice.

"So you want me to let that bastard go away? Let him have everything that belonged to me? Or which was supposed to be mine?" I replied.

"My prince, Francisco knows that you are after him. But he moves freely without being afraid. All I am saying is that its not safe, yet." He replied.

"It has never been safe for me since these 18 years. I have nothing to loose." I said looking at the fire pit, "I lost my family, my home and everything. All I want is that betrayers get what they deserve."

"Calvin. You don't understand. This is a trap. How can they move freely knowing they are to be hunted." Drake shouted the way he always does. 

Always like my Best friend.

"Then we set our own!" I replied with an evil smirk. 


Guys don't forget to give your precious votes. I love you all for the messages and support.

Plus Be ready because the next chapter is going to be long enough. And read every detail because it will be WHERE IT ALL STARTED FROM *Smiles evilly."


And also please pray for me, My result is gonna come up 2 days later from now and then I will be opting for college. My college depends upon my result. ALL prayers needed :))


Vampire Sins ( A Kingdom Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora