@tinydancerlillybelle- thanks for doing my braids kenzie and brynzie! love ya! #airplaneboredom 😁✈️-We walk out of the airport with tons of bags and get in the limo uber thing

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@tinydancerlillybelle- thanks for doing my braids kenzie and brynzie! love ya! #airplaneboredom 😁✈️
We walk out of the airport with tons of bags and get in the limo uber thing. We arrive quickly and all stare in awe at the large hotel.
"Are we staying there?" I ask as I shake Kenzie.
"It's insane."
"I know."
We walk in the hotel and wait to be checked in. They take our bags from us and we do backhandsprings in the lobby. A lot of like older people look impressed so I did a standing back tuck. Of course, I fall on my butt. To be honest, I really hurt my back. Like a lot. Tears fill my eyes and Maddie picks me up. Abby starts walking over after she notices the commotion and Kenzie starts talking quickly.
"Don't tell her you were flipping. Tell her you tripped."
"Alright, what happened over here?"
"I tripped and fell on my back."
"Alight, do you think you are going to live?"
"Yeah." I say as I let out a laugh.
At the moment they come over with the room keys.
"So, we have two grande suites attached to each other for the dancers. We expect you elites to watch them when it's just the kids in there. Keep the adjoining door open the whole time." We are handed our room keys,and race to the elevators. We get up there and our bags are there. I walk to the kitchen area and scream.
"They gave us cookie platters!"
"Quick, hide them from Abby!" Kendall shouts as she runs my way. After we hide all the good food, so everything, we choose who is sleeping where. We decided each mini should be with an elite just cause it's safe.
"I call Lilly!" Maddie, Kenzie, Brynn, Kendall, and Kalani all yell at the same time.
"I know, I'm very cute."
"How about Brynn and Kenz take her tonight and we figure out who gets her tomorrow, tomorrow." Kalani suggests. We agree to that and run to the big bedroom with the big bathroom. From what we hear, Maddie and Kalani got Alexus, Kendall got Peyton, JoJo got Areana, and Nia got Elliana.
"Lilly, we just got a text. We all have to meet in the lobby ready for duets and solos." Brynn reads off her phone.
"In how long?"
"Oh gosh, we have an hour to get Maddie, Kalani, Lilly, Peyton, Areana, and Alexus ready." Kenzie says.
They immediately get Kendall and Peyton and start with our hair. After that, they do our makeup.
"Alright, here are tights and costumes. Go get ready." Brynn instructs. We do as told and then model them.
"Okay we have ten minutes. Grab your bags and all that stuff." Kenzie instructs. We wait by the door and at 5:55 everybody is ready to go. We arrive at the lobby before the adults which was great. They arrived like a second later and took our pictures. We then walk across the street to the competition and get in the green room. After we stretch Abby calls us over to talk.
"Lilly, first duet. Make it or break it? We'll see. Peyton, don't mess this up." That causes all the moms to start yelling and eventually we get backstage.
"Now please welcome act number 72, sting like a bee!"

We walk offstage and are given water bottles that I chug down as Alexus performs. Her solo is contemporary and is called infected spirit. She walks back into the wings and I give her a big hug.
"You did so good!" We head back to the green room and I post something on Instagram.

@tinydancerlillybelle- ahh! my first duet!! Love ya Peyton!💛🐝-We sit on the stage for awards and I squeeze Maddie's hand

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@tinydancerlillybelle- ahh! my first duet!! Love ya Peyton!💛🐝
We sit on the stage for awards and I squeeze Maddie's hand. They get to mini duets so I start paying attention.
"3rd place, True Colors!"
"2nd place, Just The Way You Are!"
"And in first place, Sting Like a Bee!" I jump up and walk over to the microphone guy.
"And what are your names?"
"I'm Lilly!"
"I'm Peyton!"
"How does it feel to be up here?"
"Really good!"
"And who choreographed this routine?"
"Abby Lee Miller and Gianna Martello."
"Okay, last but not least what is your studio name?"
"ABBY LEE DANCE COMPANY!" We shout together.
"Alright, everyone take a bow!"
We do as told and walk back to our seats. Everyone tells us good job and eventually we get off the stage, and head back to the green room. Ms. Abby is happy with how I did, but isn't with Areana  because she got second, loosing to Alexus.
"Ok girls, go back to your rooms and change. You have a master class in a hour, ballet for all of you. Meet in the the lobby five minutes prior."
We run off, and the moms get us food that they will bring to the room for us. I put on pink tights, a black leotard and slides. Brynn puts my hair in a bun and I sit on the couch. The door opens, and the moms come in with food.
"Lilly, this is yours." Aunt Colleen says, handing me a wrap.
"Thank you!" I say as I dig in. We all eat quick, and then head downstairs with our dance bags. I am given a number, along with the other girls. I'm number 015, and I pin it onto my leotard before walking into the large room. I put my stuff next to the big girls, change my shoes, and stretch.

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