Chapter 8

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Catalina's P.O.V.

One of the girls had let me borrow her extra gym clothes. I was a bit uncomfortable with the low V-line but ignored it. Some of the other girls were wearing much more revealing clothing.

I walked into the room just when some guys fist connected with Jayson's face. I froze in shock, staring at the scene in front of me.

Then the whole room erupted into laughter.

And by that point I was boiling.

I walked towards the guy that had punched Jayson and grabbed him by his shirt. The class became silent. Then I whispered quietly so only he could hear.

"If you ever so much as look at Jayson again I will break your bones one by one before Ripping. That. Hand. Off, understood?"

The guy quickly nodded and I dropped him.

Then I kicked his guts just for good measure.

As he lay on the ground groaning the teacher decided to show up.

But I's already left.

I needed to find Jayson.


A couple of hours later I arrived at his house.

Yes, I said hours. There was a little incident with a squirrel and a fire truck which I had to take care of.

Don't ask.

I used the garbage can as stool so I could get on the roof. From there I crawled over to Jayson's window.

He was sitting on his bed, head in his hands.

I forced open the window and climbed in.

Jayson jumped up in fright before seeing it was me.


His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he'd been crying. It hurt so much to see my mate like this.

So I ran up to Jayson and hugged him.

"I was worried about you." I whispered.

Jayson was still standing stiff.

"Why?" He whispered back.


Jayson gulped.

"That was my mom, I should probably go to bed." He mumbled.

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