"Auntie, I have already forgiven her. A long time ago. She has a new life, a new marriage, a new husband, and a new child; I don't feel right intruding in her life." I purse my lips into a thin line.

"Don't say that. I know my sister well. And believe me, no parent would want to feel distant from their child no matter what. Pay her a visit. Connect with her more. She's your mother, she loves you no matter what. Just because she has built a new life after your father's death doesn't mean she doesn't love you or doesn't want you." my aunt's words, though true, are repetitive. I've heard them many times when I used to live with them. After that dreadful night happened, I shut everyone out, but to my aunt it appeared that my teen hormones were at fault, thus she tried to connect me to my mother more, which didn't work.

"I do miss her," I confess. My daughterly compassion has taken over me from the moment my mother married her current husband. I knew my father's death had made a great deal on her and perhaps that is why she sought love from another person other than her young daughter and her dead husband.

The train of thought brings a new thought to my chains. Until now, I haven't noticed the parallel of my life and Andrew's. There may be a few differences; however, the principle is the same. Andrew and I both lost our fathers when we were young and wounded by our lost; we sought comfort when our mothers decided to marry another person, guess, their way of dealing with their pain.

The only twist in our story is that I was fortunate enough to have my aunt and uncle who welcomed me into their family with an open arm. Andrew, however, decided that he and his sister are no longer wanted, thus, they left.

"Laura? Still there, honey?" my aunt snaps me out of my thought.

"Yes, I was just... thinking... um... you know, I think, you're right, I need to deal with this, I need to talk to her more." My only daughter-mother time with my mother is once a month and even with that, it's either her sending me letters of her adventure and her having fun or a two-minute talk on the phone. I can't believe we've become so distant from each other and here I'm lecturing poor Andrew to get closer to his family.

"Yes, you should do that." there is a deadly silence between us. I can feel the unspoken words, "Laura... I know that you and Andrew are happy, or so as you tell me but... are you really? Is your relationship serious this time? I'm only asking because I don't want you to get hurt, honey. I still remember when you were seventeen and Matt broke your heart. You were devastated. I know Andrew is a good guy and he can take care of you, but so was Matt. I'm just worried about you. I haven't heard you were so wrapped up and confused. You sound broken and I just don't want you to..."

"I think this one might... work. Jeez, I don't even know myself. I... our relationship is really difficult and very strange, not like the one I had with Matt, obviously, but I think Andrew is the guy for me. I love him." I bite my lips.

"But does he love you?" she asks the question I've been avoiding.

"I think so," I give her the answer I give to myself.

After talking to my aunt, I decide to shake my depressed ass off and start packing. I want to be done packing by the time Andrew shows up, although it wouldn't be until the next five hours or something. Standing in front of my section of clothes, I look at the colorful materials consist of half mine and the other half brought by Andrew. Given to him going overboard, he had made sure I have all the necessary items a woman requires. Necklaces, Earrings, scarves, dresses, gowns and all sorts of underwears and lingeries.

Grabbing a little bag from the bottom shelf, where travel bags and suitcases sit, I put it on the couch sitting in the middle of the room and put a pair of underwears and comfortable clothes for the night. Moving toward Andrew's sections, I do the same thing with his clothes. Obsessed with how manly his clothes are, I grab the shirt and inhale. Since I know he might want to change his work suit with another one, I pick one for him as well as the tie. Like it or not, he has to wear it. It's my night tonight, so I get to decide for him.

Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now