Matteo really liked her attitude on her perspective. He leaned over for a comforting hug. "I'm proud of you," he whispered in her ear. Luna smiled into his shoulder. They sat for several moments, her breathing in his scent. When they pull away, Matteo notices they are a bit late, right where he wanted to be. "Shall we get going then?" he asked. Luna nodded her head yes. "I'm just worried how I'm going to explain why I am here when I said I wasn't going to be. And that I am in attendance with you." Matteo bulged his eyes. "Wait. They're going to think you blew them off to go on a date with me you thought was going to be somewhere else. Shit, am I going to get fired?" 

Luna put her hand on his knee in reassurance. "No, you won't get fired. I'm the owner's daughter I wouldn't let it happen. And about me not going before, we'll just tell the truth. I think it'll be alright." Matteo nods and kisses her hand and she blushes. "Okay. Let's roll." 

Matteo goes over to the other side of the car to help Luna out. He offers his arm and she gladly takes it. They walk inside and are greeted by waiters who offer them flutes of champagne. They each gladly accept one. They scan for an empty table, where Luna puts her purse down. Luna spots both of her parents near the stage where a live band was performing, greeting people and engaging in in-depth conversation. 

"I think we should go over there and talk to them. Just for a minute." Luna advises Matteo. He makes a not so pleasant face. "Can't we wait just a bit? I mean we just got here, babe." Matteo had slipped out. He had never called Luna that before. Not that he had regretted it or anything, he just didn;t want to catch her off guard like that. And here she was as red as a tomato. 

"I think we should just get everything out of the way. It'll be quick, I promise." She tugged on his arm and he dragged behind. Her parents were just waving someone off when her father sees them approaching and is surprised. She goes to kiss both of her parents hello. "Hi, Mom. Dad." 

"Hi, Luna. I thought you weren't coming tonight. Who's this?" Her mother asked, making it clearly aware in her facial expression that she did, in fact, know who he was. This made Matteo very uncomfortable. Luna spoke up, "I didn't know I was coming actually. This is Matteo, I told you about him over the phone. We were about to go out to dinner, but I had no idea it was going to be here. He actually just told me that he's a new employee here. Isn't it great?" 

Luna looked over at Matteo who was just giving a nervous grin. He could feel her father's cold stare at him. "Yes, It's wonderful, Mija." her father told Luna. He then directed himself toward Matteo. "I had no idea my new head host was taking my daughter as his date tonight." he gritted his teeth. Matteo felt himself shrinking and unconsciously taking teeny tiny steps backward in fear.  

"Sir, I had no idea at all. We met through mutual friends at the university. Your daughter is by far the most intelligent and kind young woman I have ever met. No harm by any means. I didn't mean to steal you away from her on an important night for you." Matteo breathed all at once. Luna was floored by his response and felt her heart melt. Her parents looked over at each other in awe. 

"We know you no harm Matteo. We are glad that you came Luna, and that you brought a wonderful date," her mother said. Her father spoke next, "We know you are doing a wonderful job. Now go sit down, enjoy yourselves. Dinner is about to start." Luna smiled all three of them, tugging Matteo in her direction. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Valente., we will indeed." Matteo joyously says. 

They walk back to their table, where Matteo pulls her seat out for Luna like the true gentleman he is. They spend the night talking with each other and the people at their table, they drink a bit more champagne and keep dancing like there's no tomorrow. 

The dinner ends at 11:30. They walk out as one of the lasts so they can properly greet Luna's parent's goodbye. Luna walks out, heels in her hand being carried bridal style out of the building and to her apartment. When they reach her doorstep, she turns to him. "Thank you for a wonderful night, Matteo. Such an unexpected turn of events, but amazing." Matteo grinned at her. "You're welcome, Luna. I'm glad you had fun." 

They stand there in uncomfortable silence when Matteo decides to ask the big question. He takes her hands in both of his and looks down. He has never been so nervous than he is now. "Luna, I've been wanting to ask this for a while now. These past few weeks going out with you have been the best. You make everything better. I want more nights like this. I want to spend more time with you. I want to go through everything with you. I never want it to stop. So I am asking you, will you be my girlfriend?" 

Luna's smile spreads a mile wide and she jumps into his arms throwing her hands over his neck, his going across her back. "Of course I will!" Luna exclaims. Matteo cannot stop smiling in excitement. He lets out a breathy laugh, letting out all of the nerves from before. She pulls away and grabs his cheeks, pulling him into a long and slow kiss. They are consumed in each other in the kiss. Her hands on his face, his snaked around her body. He pecks her several more times until they finally pull away.

He kisses her cheek once more before she starts to head inside. "Goodnight, boyfriend," Luna says. She smirks and shuts the door, not allowing herself to see his childlike happy expression. She slides against the back of the door, beaming with happiness. On the other side, Matteo pumps his fists in the air full of content. A successful night for them both. 

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