Chapter Seven

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Liam Pov

We waited a long time then finally,  they let us see Lea. Us is really just Harry, Louis, and I. Niall and Zayn where no where to be found. As we quietly walked into the room we saw Lea with a charm bracelet. She was looking at it. We walked closer. I got a glance of the bracelet, it said "I Love you to the moon and back" A tear slid down her cheek onto the bracelet. She looked up at us with sad, dead eyes. The last bit of life gone. Poof. Louis started to tremble. He ran out of the room, only to hear him curse. Harry left to find Louis. Lea whispered, "Liam? Can I trust you to keep a secret? " I nodded. She took a deep breath. "Liam I'm adopted. My real mom gave me up. She never loved me. This is the only I have of her's." She said quickly, then she held up the bracelet. I struggled with tears. I opened my mouth, a strangled cry came out.

Niall Pov

I was lost. A nurse walked by. I stopped her. I got a paper out. " Where is Dr. McMacille's room? " "I'm sorry he isn't available today you can see him, tomorrow." I nodded. "Wait! Nurse where is the elevator?" She smiled, " Down the hall." I nodded and smiled as I left. I was afraid the boys would find out my secret.

Zayn Pov

I was lost. I was lookIng for Lea's room, but I don't know where anything is. I had just left the bathroom when I saw the elevator.  I grinned and got on. I was surprised when I saw Niall. "Niall? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I . . umm I'm looking for Lea's room." he stammered. He was hiding something but I didn't ask any further. We stepped off the elevator and found Louis in tears. I ran to Louis, trying to calming him down. He just shook his head and pointed to a door. Niall and I ran in. Lea and Liam were crying.

Lea Pov

I told Liam everything. He sniffed and cried. "I-I-I'm s-s-orr-yy. I'm s-oppused to comfort y-y-ou." He was pretty upset. He didn't know true pain. Pain of not being good enough for your mother, emotional pain, physical pain, and worst of all the pain of never able to see your true mother. Next thing I know I was crying a river. While Liam and I were crying in each other's arms. Niall, and Zayn came in the room.

Niall and Zayn screamed, "What happened??"

I whimpered at Niall. I didn't want to see him. Nialler looked hurt. I shook my head, signaling I didn't want to talk about it. Liam nodded. "Quit the codes and tell us! " Zayn said. I shook my head. Zayn sighed. Niall just looked at the floor. I frowned knowing I couldn't go and hug Nialler. Stupid hospital. Nialler was about to speak up when Dr. Donna came in the room. She looked worried. Everyone stiffened. She looked serious, but then she started to laugh. "You fell for it. Goodness! Your faces!" I grinned realizing it was a prank. "Hi Dr. Donna. Nice prank! " She grinned. "Please call me Lisa, Lea. Can I call You that right? " "Of course Lisa."

Liam Pov

After the doctor left we learned Lea fainted,got weak, and collapsed because her broken ribs poked her heart and lungs. Her body shut down temporarily to help her breathe and get back to normal.

Lea also can had a slight anxiety disorder. One good thing came out of this. Lea will leave tomorrow. Hooray!

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Hello my McFlurries. :) My new name for my few readers! I finished this on my phone. :3 Yay I updated.  Sorry I'm a procastanater. I have Homework. Boo-hoo. :(  Btw sometimes is makes the letter I capItal randomly. It's weird. Okay Bye! *Waves hand, then realizes I'm waving at a phone* :3   ~ Lupita

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