Chapter 1

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It wasn't supposed to happen like this okay. It was just supposed to be a quick mission in and out and then get back to the Blade of Marmora for a debriefing. How did it get like this?

Keith's mind was racing as he peered around his small cell. Nothing too fancy, though the ship itself was pretty damn high tech. It didn't matter though. What mattered was getting out of this damn prison.

Stupid Galra.

It was a simple mission too! Ugg... He still couldn't believe he fracked up on such a simple thing- Get in, don't raise suspicion and don't get caught, just get in and grab the weapon that was giving off abnormal amounts of quintessence.

But then that guy showed up, frantically running from at least five sentries shooting at him nonstop. The guy had a clear shield and blue armor on, but he didn't seem to have any weapons to fire back. Not only that but he was also shouting very loudly, drawing the attention of every other sentry in the vicinity.

Needless to say it caused a bit of chaos.

So Keith decided to follow the rapidly growing group.

"Pidge! PIDGE WHERE THE HELL DO I GO! Pidge!" The man screamed at someone that no one else could see. "I don't need your SASS right now! Just give me directions! AH!" A well-aimed shot hit the shield violently and he was pushed forwards at a speed faster than the sprint that he was moving. He stumbled to the floor, hitting it with an "Oomph." And the sentries were on him in a moment.

What compelled him to do it, he didn't know, but what happened cannot be changed, no matter how much he regrets it.

Keith charged in. The sentries were hauling the man to his feet when they finally saw him. At first they must have thought he was just a higher officer of the Galra army, he did blend in quite well with that title after all, but the sentries were soon convinced otherwise. Keith brought his blade in a wide slash across the first two sentries. The blade of Marmora throbbed a dim purple in satisfaction, a portrayal of his actual feelings getting lost in the fight.

The sentries were on him in seconds but the six of them left weren't hardly enough to be able to stop him. They were turned into shattered pieces of armor in an instant.

He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the man that had caused the sirens that were blaring overhead and turned this simple mission into a much more complicated matter.

But the man wasn't even there. The sound of retreating footsteps could be heard to the left down a dark Galra hallway. It could be anyone else, but it was the only clue Keith could follow. It was on the way to the weapon anyways... well, only a slight bit out of the way, but it would loop around to the room he needed to be in. Why not go ahead and follow him? He knew this ship like the back of his hand after doing so many missions that required such knowledge. Getting lost was no problem.

He found that was not the case with the fugitive. He finally caught up to the man, who was standing before a fork in the hall and complaining loudly to the nonexistent 'Pidge' again.

"Pidge! That is so rude. It's not my fault that it got stolen..." There is a moment of silence as he listens to a response only he can hear. "Hey! How was I supposed to know that Nyma would do something so terrible! PIDGE! I'm not doing this right now! Just tell me right or left!" His voice was deep and annoyed. Keith waited. He knew that he would have to go to the right pathway now, whether or not the stranger went that way. Luckily for him the stranger did go to the right.

However, Keith was beginning to realize that might not be such a good thing after all, because there was only one thing to the right and if this guy was after the same thing as him... Well, you get it.

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