Chapter 25: Questions and No Answers

Start from the beginning

            "I said I was sorry," Percy resented. "You know my fatal flaw is loyalty! I would never do that on purpose. I care about Piper. I care about everyone on this ship! I just can't believe you would accuse me of breaking you and Piper up! After everything I've had to go through, after literally going to don't think it's hard that no one understands?!"

            Frank's voice cut through Percy's little rampage. "You can tell us, you know."

            "I want to, I really do. I just can't relive it. Especially now, without the real Annabeth by my side. I just can't." Percy glanced around. "Where is she, anyways?"

            "I think she's still in her room," Hazel piped up. "Piper's still in her room, as well."

            Percy was silent for awhile. He didn't have much to say, after all. He felt empty...alone. He felt like he was floating through empty, dark air that crept around him in circles and never let him escape from its clutches.

            "Hazel still has all 3 tests, Jason has the mental, I have the emotional, Leo..." Frank trailed off. "Leo. Why isn't he back by now, anyways?"

            "Maybe he's doing all of his tests?" Hazel suggested. "He was sent on a quest thing by his father, anyways. It makes sense that he'd be gone awhile."

            "True, but he still needs to come back. Not counting tonight, we only have 6 days left until Gaea rises. She's going to pick two demigods worthy, as we know. She's running out of time. We're running out of time. Leo needs to get his butt back here."

            "Why don't we just kill her while she's still asleep?" Hazel questioned. "That way, she won't be much of a threat.

            "No." Percy disagreed. "We can't do that. Not yet."

            "He's right," Jason nodded curtly towards him, still attempting to forgive him somehow. "At least not until we have a strong army." Jason paused. "Listen, I think we should all get some dinner and then some rest. We've all had a long day. I think we deserve it."

            They kissed. Their lips were pressed against each other's tightly. They broke apart after they had no more breath left to use. They smiled at each other slightly.

            "Getting steamy in there, Frank," Percy remarked, not able to lower his gaze from the happy couple. He wished Annabeth and him were like that. They were...before...

            Frank rolled his eyes at Percy. "Spying, were we? Get some sleep, Perce, you need it the most out of all of us. It's nearly one in the morning."

            "That's why I'm up," Percy replied. "I have to make sure things stay PG here during the late night watch." He smiled, but it faded soon. He plopped down on the couch, shoulder sore and eyes heavy.

            "You look exhausted, Percy," Hazel told him. "Go to bed. I'm ordering you. Please. It will help."

            "I can't." Percy whispered back. "The nightmares...they're just too real. Without Annabeth, I can't--I can't do it. I can't don't it without her." His skin suddenly felt cold and a shiver went up his spine.

            "We're all here for you," She comforted him. "We'll help if anything happens. Just please get some sleep. I'm begging you." Hazel opened her eyes up wide and pouted. She hadn't yet mastered that face, but it was enough for Percy to cave in.

            "Fine. I'll be in my room if you need me," Percy agreed. His bare feet thudded almost silently against the flooring. He closed the door slowly, careful not to wake anyone. He reached for the light switch to turn it on. He left it like that, even as he was lying in bed and trying to fall asleep. When he finally did fall asleep, his dreams were anything but pleasant.

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