f o u r

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London Bleu

I woke up feeling content. The sun was shining and the birds weren't making a gôddâmn sound. After yawning loudly, I attempted to get up before realizing that my arms were locked around a very hard pillow. The pillow turned suddenly and groaned, wrapping me up in a vice-like grip. Opening my eyes, I realized that the pillow was actually a man. A very attractive man. Xavier.

My head had been resting on his bare chest and our legs were impossibly tangled together. His soft snores were absolutely adorable and his face looked vulnerable and innocent as he slept. 

Unable to resist, I lifted my hand and traced Xavier's sharp jawline. His eyelashes were long enough to make me jealous and his light stubble tickled my hand. How could someone so beautiful be so cruel?

Suddenly I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to get hurt again. That's all Xavier had done to me; I had the physical and emotional scars to prove it. 

Looking back up at Xavier's face, I gasped when I saw that his eyes were open. His arms tightened around me and, in his sêxy, husky morning voice, he said, "Good morning, baby." 

"Uh w-what are you doing here?" my voice meek.

"Do you want me to leave?" he growled playfully. 

"I-I uh..." I stammered.

Xavier chuckled and buried his face in my hair, "You're so cute." He left feather light kisses along my hairline, making me shiver.

One of his hands slipped inside my shirt and began to gravitate toward a large scar on my stomach. His eyes shot up to mine as he felt the tarnished skin. My hands flew downward to prevent him from looking, but he was a lot faster than me. His eyes flashed and were burning with anger as he lifted up my shirt.

"Who did this? " I could tell it was his wolf speaking and I trembled with fear.

"Me" my voice was too low to be heard even with super hearing. Xavier's eyes widened and he lowered his head to hear me better.

I cleared my throat, "I did"

Xavier looked at me for an explanation.

"Some people used to bully me because of my size. I cut these with silver over my um stretch marks," God, now he's gonna remember and reject me. When he didn't say anything, I was confused. "Um y-you don't remember me?"

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Everyone keeps telling me that we knew each other, and I just want to apologize for what ever I did. I know that I was an áss to everyone." He gave me his wide puppy dog eyes and his bottom lip stuck out slightly.

I gave him a sad smile and cupped the side of his face, lightly rubbing his protruding lip with my thumb. "I don't think sorry will fix anything." 

"What did I do?"


'Omg, first day of high schoolllll! Finally, I'll be able to escape my nightmarish experiences of middle school and move on to Grey Stone High,' I thought excitedly. 

Xavier and his buddies bothered me ever since I was young, but now he was a senior and I'm going to the same school he does. By now he's probably matured, and there are so many people in that school, I doubt I'll even see him. Unfortunately, if the great Xavier Abel does something, you can bet they'll be tons of kids thinking that they should do the same 'cool' things. So that means I get pushed around by pretty much everyone. But no more negative thoughts. I strictly believed optimism is always the way to go.

An with that thought, and a bright smile, I pushed open the doors to the school.


My classes were all great! The teachers seemed nice and I couldn't wait to get started with the year! 

The bell rang and I left to my locker. Spinning the dial, I wondered who I could sit with. Mindlessly, I grabbed the paper bag in my locker and marched towards the cafeteria. 

As I looked timidly for someone in the crowd who was not already in a group, my elbow suddenly hit another body. A shriek followed and then there was a rough, calloused hand on my arm tugging me out, front and center. Xavier.

The years had been kind to him, he was astonishingly tall and muscular compared to my short, chubby frame which terrified me. 

"Hey mutt, you think it's okay to hurt my girl?" His one hand dug into my neck, pushing my head down a stray lunch table. Xavier's slight nails felt like claws as they left bleeding crescent shaped cuts on me.

Slowly, I shook my head, "I w-wasn't trying t-to hurt her, M-Mr. Abel. I'm sorry,"  The last part was directed toward the plastic blonde who sneered at me and began drying her fake tears.

He laughed, "Weak bîtch," then he grabbed my lunch out of my shaking hands and stomped on it. "Relax, mutt. I'm doing you a favor, I mean we all know that you really don't need this. What you need to do is stop being a nuisance and wasting good food meant for those who deserve it." He then turned to the room and, with a laugh, asked them to 'welcome me' to Grey Stone.

The cafeteria laughed along with him and the next thing I knew, I was being pelted with food. I didn't run, or scream, or try to stop them. Instead I cried silently and waited for them to leave. When the staff notified him, the principle walked in to see me mopping up the remnants of food off the floor. There was no optimism nor smiles coming from me, after that day.


Subconsciously, I rubbed my neck trying to feel the scars that, although faded years ago, left horrible memories. Then, I leaned my head into his neck for the shortest second, and placed the tiniest kiss on his jugular. 



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