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Xavier Abel

Fûcking finally! After years I've finally found my mate. She's so freaking beautiful, my wolf wanted me to take her right then and there against the wall. Although, I was still confused as to why she blanked out on me. 

'Does she not want us?', my wolf whimpered. He maybe an alpha but he was a huge softie when it came to London. 

Hm... that name did ring a bell... Maybe we went to high school together. Uh oh, if she knew me from high school... I shuddered, that was bad news. I used to be a major a-hole and I used girls left and right, convinced that I didn't need a mate. But as time went by, I became jealous of all my friends who had grown up and found happiness with their mates. 

I sighed and began thinking about her soft, chocolate brown hair and amazing, fresh sea breeze scent.

God, I should have gone after her. 

I heard a knock on the door and saw my beta, Jackson, enter. I rose and gave him nod. "What's up, man?"

"Ah, nothing. Hey, have you seen my sister, London, anywhere?"

My eyes widened, London was his sister? They look nothing alike! 

Just as I was about to open my mouth, another knock sounded on the door. 

"Alpha, dinner is ready," a maid squeaked.

"Uh, maybe she's asleep. I'll go look for her, she needs to eat,"

With that he was out of my office in a flash. 

As I headed down stairs, I wondered what he meant by that. Taking a left, I immediately smelled my new favorite smell and strolled into the mess hall. My brown-haired beauty was staring at the Luna's seat with her legs tightly crossed. I could smell her strong arousal and cursed when I realized Xavier Jr. had gotten a tad too excited. Unknowingly, she bit her lip which caused my wolf to go into a howling frenzy. Ugh this is gonna be a long night...

Heading to my room, I was extremely confused about Jackson and London's strange behavior. What did he mean by saying I was the cause for her leaving? And when did I ever hurt my mate? 

I walked past my parents' room and I decided to knock. My dad would know what to do. 

I heard strange sounds and opened the door. When I realized what was going on I slammed the door shut. Walking in on my parents doing it was never on my to do list.

A sound of a throat being cleared was followed by, "Come in," I saw my parents' bodies covered with the thick comforter and I sighed in relief. 

"Erm, hey... dad... mom... Can I talk to you?"

"About what, sweetie?" my mom asked.

"My um mate..." 

My response was incessant screaming from my mother and a pat on the back from dad.

"Who is she? Who is she? WHO IS SHE?"

"London," I sighed, smiling. God, I'm turning into a lovesick idiot. 

"Oh, uh London Bleu? Are you sure?" dad asked with a look of pity.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm sure," I immediately felt the need to defend my mate. "I thought you guys loved her?"

"Oh no, we think of her as a daughter, but..." mother sighed. "Do you not remember her from high or middle school?" 

Oh god, this was bad. I was probably an ass to her and that's why she ran away. She didn't want to be with me.

Dad, trying to lighting the mood, explained what he did upon meeting his other half. "I threw her over my shoulder and locked us in our room until she accepted the bond. That was actually the day you were conceived," he chuckled and made my mom blush. 

"Do you guys know what I did to her? I need to apologize," whatever I did to her couldn't be that bad... right?

"You'll have to talk to her yourself; it's not our place to say. But please don't be too impulsive with her, give the poor girl some time and she might open up," my mother's comforting words calmed the frazzled nerves a bit and gave me a little confidence.

"Thanks mom, love you," I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "And you two are free to resume,"


As I stripped down to my boxers and got ready for bed, London's scent began to reach me from the second floor. I needed to see her.  

Bounding down the stairs, I stood by each door until the mouthwatering smell grew too strong for me to resist. Opening her door a crack, I didn't even notice myself walking towards London, who was spread out in all different directions on the bed. Her messy, beautiful hair was spread out in a halo above her and her face seemed perfect bathed in moonlight. I sighed and slowly slipped in next to her.

In her sleep, London gravitated toward my warmth and she snuggled into my chest and wrapped her delicate arms firmly around my torso. I guess I'm not going anywhere... Oh well I certainly don't mind.

Placing a kiss to London's head, I closed my eyes and spent the night dreaming of a certain brunette with sparkling blue eyes.


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