"Hey you know you should've gotten the grass flavor," I joked as Jungkook threw away his cup. He looked at me, with his eyes widened but with a slight smile.

"Why!? So that I can spit it out!?" he asked, laughingly.

"No, so that you can be a cow," I laughed and he looked at me seriously but eventually started laughing with me.

"You're really weird, ah why am I even being nice to a weirdo," he whined. 

"Because weirdos have a lot to talk about," I replied. He nodded.

"Well, what should we do now? We still have another...hour and a half," he said looking at the time on his phone. 

"Let's go..." I thought for a minute. "To the park!"


It was already time to get home. Jungkook offered to drop me off but since we were only a few block from my house, I declined. I began walking to my house, listening to music, when suddenly I got a text. It was from Sooyoung.


Yoonhee! Where are you? You weren't at school ever since lunch ended, I'm worried!

Ah, if I tell her I was with Jungkook she'll tease me and I'll have to tell her the whole long story.


I didn't feel good so I went home


Ah, jjinja? OK, well feel better! I'm free so you can call me if you're boreddd


Haha thanks. I'll text you later, OK? Byeee


Feel better! TTYL <3

Not too long later, I reached my house. I opened the front gate and walked inside. Mom was watching her dramas and was eating ramen. Who wouldn't wish to be her right now.

I giggled and she noticed my presence behind me and quickly shut off the TV. 

"Oh, Yoonhee! Hi! How was school?" she asked turning her focus onto me. 

"Normal, I'm just very tired," I replied. I'm very worn out of everything that happened today.

"Aww my poor baby, go rest. Come eat when you're hungry," she spoke as she smiled. I returned the smile and I went up the stairs, then I heard her turn the drama back on. I chuckled at how my mom still acts like a teenager sometimes.

I jumped onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

(The next day)

Saturday, finally. Since I fell asleep at like 4 yesterday and didn't wake up, I woke up at 6 am. Today I think I'll go shopping. I'm very sad about what happened yesterday, but if he was a cheater I shouldn't waste my time crying over him.

I admit, I'm heartbroken. I loved him, and I still love him. But I can't anymore. I have to let him go. 

And one of the best ways is to start fresh: with new clothes. I might even die my hair black again. Currently my hair color is dark brown, but the roots have been growing in black again so might as well die it all black. 

I wore black jeans with a white shirt with black high top shoes. I left my hair down and completed my outfit with a small gray shoulder purse. I decided to wait and get something like coffee as my breakfast.

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