*Chapter 12: Shattered Walls*

Start from the beginning

Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me stopping me from punching my knuckles raw. I just kept sobbing and trying to get away from the pair of arms holding me back as my cries filled the room.

The person turned me around and I saw a pair of familiar dark brown intense eyes. It was Alexander, he said nothing as he wrapped his arms around me and let me sob in his strong arms. He didn't tell me things were going to be okay, he didn't question my breakdown. He just held me, stopped me from hurting myself more as I sobbed. I sobbed until my body was limp against him and until my eyes ran dry.

I don't know how much time passed before Alexander carried me out of the bathroom and out of my room. He carried me to his room where he gently sat me on his bed and left to his bathroom, never saying a word.

I took the time to look around his bedroom. It was twice the size of mine and looked appropriate for a man like him. He didn't have much decoration or frames on the walls. He had a king size bed with blue and white duvets and many pillows on it. A small nightstand with a single lamp and a book next to his bed. A couch and a coffee table in the middle of the room. His balcony was bigger than the one in my room and I bet the inside of his bathroom was just as impressive. His room had a scent of his cologne and something else. A bit like vanilla with a bit of spice. For some reason, it calmed me down a bit.

A moment later, Alexander came out of his bathroom holding a first aid kit. Kneeling in front of me, he took my bleeding hand in his. He looked at it, trying to see just how hurt I actually was. It perplexed me to see him caring like this. Why would someone like him even care about someone like me? I was just one of his employees, someone he could use to kill on command. I was nothing to him. Yet here he was treating my injured hand.

"This may sting a bit" he said softly as he started wiping my knuckles with an antiseptic wipe.

I winced softly as he did. "Am I hurting you?" he asked concerned.

I shook my head "I've been through worse" I whispered softly, my throat felt raw and abused from all the sobbing and screaming.

He just nodded as he continued to wipe my hand. "It doesn't look like the glass went in to deep, you won't need stitches, but you definitely bruised your knuckles. I would think twice before punching anything for a while." he continued to wrap a bandage around my hand softly.

He looked up at me with soft yet intense eyes, his hand slowly rose to caress my bruised cheek and lip. His touch sent a wave of electricity down my body and I felt a slight shiver. His touch was making me feel things I didn't understand. I was feeling this wonderful thing down in my stomach, I had never felt before. It scared me a bit, it was new and yet it made me want to smile.

His eyes went up to mine and I swear it was like he could see my shattered walls through them. "What happened to you, Nyx?" he asked softly.

"Why do you want to know?" I whispered softly averting his gaze as he sits down on the bed beside me.

"I know you think I don't care for anything, as long as you kill on my command. That I when I solicited you at D. Impero, I only saw the name Nyx on the number one spot and that was it." He stood up from the bed and exited the room. He came back not even a minute later with a pair of underwear, a t-shirt and my pj bottoms. I blushed a bit when I imagine him seeing my underwear drawer.

He handed me the clothes and turned around, giving me a bit of privacy and respect. Taking off my robe, I started getting dressed slowly. Never once did Alexander try to have a look at me and that made me smile. He truly respected me and that was rare for me. For a man to respect me. I stared intently at his back as I got dressed. He was wearing a pair of low hanging sweatpants and a white t-shirt that did nothing to hide his bulging muscles. Looking at his back and tall muscular frame, made desire pool down at my core, it made me think of every place I'd like to explore with my hands and lips. I didn't understand the feeling, I hadn't felt anything like that in nearly eight years.

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