"You shouldn't hurt yourself," I replied back in defence, however, I instantly regretted this as Justin began to hold his face in his hands and sob. My heart dropped in its place and I felt so stupid for even saying that. I moved closer beside Justin and held an arm around him and pulled him in closer against my body. I rested my head against his and used my free hand to stroke his arm comfortingly.

"I'm sorry Justin, that was stupid for me to say." I felt his body start to shake as his sobs started to slowly fade into hitched breathing. I mentally kicked myself for being so dumb.

"B-but y-you a-are r-right," I heard him say quietly, almost as a whisper. I wasn't too sure he even had said it to be honest, until he continued on to talk. "I n-need h-help."

Now, I can't explain to you all how happy I was to hear Justin speak those words. My lips spread across my face in a huge smile as my heart began to fill with joy. I never thought that I would hear those words being spoken, yet here I am hearing them come directly from Justin's mouth. I turned my body so that I could embrace him into a proper hug and this time he allowed me to do so. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him tightly, but making sure that he would still be comfortable.

"Thank you," I whispered against his ear. I pulled away from the hug so that I could look at him in the eyes. I could tell from his eyes and expression that he was tired, beat up, sore and unhappy. It made me feel like I had to protect him from the harm in this world. "I am here to help you Justin. I won't leave your side," I said hopeful that he would let me help him through this.

"Y-you c-can't h-help m-me," he simply replied which made confusion take over me. I didn't understand why I couldn't help him from here. I get that in the past I was a thorn in his side and the reason he felt like hurting himself like he has been, but now I love him and want him to be better. Justin looked me straight into my eyes with no real emotion showing. His eyes were slightly darker in colour than they usually are and he had bags forming underneath them.

"Y-you l-lied t-to m-me," is all he let out with no emotion before breaking away from me and walking out to sit on the edge of the tiles, looking up into the night sky. I sat alone on the sofa for a few moments, trying to process and understand what he just said to me. My mind was shooting far too many ideas through it for me to think clearly right now. I had no clue what I had lied to him about, but I was sure I had done something.

I stood to my feet and slowly walked over beside Justin, sitting down and wrapping my arm over his shoulders. I looked up into the night sky and smiled a little as I saw Justin out of the corner of my eyes with a smile on his face as he observed the sky. It really was a beautiful sight to see, not only the millions of bright stars shining and lighting the sky, but also to see Justin smiling an actual smile.

"It really is beautiful," I let out quietly as I continued to look up into the sky. I heard Justin hum in reply to me as his head just watched over the entire sky. His eyes became so focused on the sight in front of him, that I almost thought he was zoned out.

"Justin?" I asked as his body stayed still.

"Mmm?" he mumbled to me as he continued to look up to the sky.

"What lie?" I asked curious to what I had done.

Justin shut his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose as he began to slowly lower his head down and turned it to face in my direction. I watched as his eyes slowly opened and his eyes were once again met with mine. I could tell that he was feeling uncomfortable, but I had to hear what he had to say.

"Y-you s-said you w-wouldn't h-hurt me a-again," he spoke as he let out a sigh.

"What? When did I hurt you?" I asked a little confused.

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