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Have you ever felt like ending it? All the pain. All the stress. All the worries in life. Have you felt that if end it, you would lift a huge burdern off everyone you know. I want to be free from this life. I can't fake a smile anymore. I can't pretend like everything is okay.

Day by day I go through hell. I can't escape the insults, the beatings, the embarrassment, the stares or the lies. They're like a disease. They seep into me and slowly spread around my body.

I can't go anywhere.
I can't eat.
I can't sleep.
I can't think.
I can't smile.
I can't be happy.

How come everyone else has the easy life? I'm stuck with my pathetic excuse of a life. All my insecurities and little voices in my head have finally broken me.

This is what I want. I'm sure I'll be doing everyone a favour. They wanted this. I wanted this.

Now I'm finally broken enough to do it.

Don't Break MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora