Chapter 5

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Jason's POV:

The class erupted in laughter as we all watched Justin fall face first from his desk into the ground. What a wimp is all that went through my mind. The teacher was calling for Justin to get up, but he gave no response. I smiled to myself for what I had done. The loser deserves it. The teacher walked over to him and kept calling his name softly. I looked at his lifeless body as the class all laughed with me while saying what a good job I had done. "Everyone stop laughing this instant," the teacher said firmly while kneeling by Justin feeling around for his pulse. He then rose to his feet walking to the desk and picking the phone up, dialling numbers in a hurry. He spoke to someone for about a minute or so before asking someone to come to the class immediately. "Does anybody know what happened to Justin?" He asked. The class all said no, while glancing in my direction sending winks and small grins. Do I feel a slight bit bad? No. Not at all. The little pathetic wimp deserves it. I hate him. He doesn't deserve any happiness. He is a waste of space if you ask me. Just as I got lost in my own thoughts there was knock on the door before the nurse entered the room rushing over to Justin. She quickly felt around him was a shock look on her face. She muttered something to the teacher before he asked someone to assist the nurse to carry Justin to sick bay.

I found it quite funny that nobody volunteered. Some people, including myself, still was laughing at what happened. "Fine, I'll do it then," the teacher spoke before picking Justin up in his arms. "All of you pull out your books and copy from pages 48-52. It needs to be done by the time I get back," he spoke glaring at us all. Then the two of them exited the room carrying Justin. As soon the door shut, the class all turned to me and we all erupted in laughter.

"Good job bro,"

"You got him so good Jason,"

"Hope he doesn't wake up,"

A few of my classmates came up to me and hi-fived me. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Facebook for the rest of the lesson, ignoring the work, even when the teacher finally came back.

Justin's POV:

All I saw was black. No sound could be heard. Nothing. Just blackness. My thoughts ran wild. I knew that I blacked out from what Jason had done to me. The pain was too much. I thought about how nobody at all tried to stop what was happening. I've become so used to it though. No one ever cares what happens to me. If I died not one person in the world would care. I mean, I cut myself daily and nobody even cares, or notices. I do hide the scars though. I don't want to give people more things to make fun of me about. If they found out about me self-harming, they would never let that go, and who knows what Jason would do. He'd probably punch my scars. Not even the teacher knew what had happened. I can't be safe at school or outside of it. Everywhere I go people want to hurt me, be it verbally or physically.

As I kept thinking about how pathetic my life has become, I started to hearing soft sounds and the blackness slowly faded. I tried to open my eyes and all I saw was blinding lights. My head spun fast and I felt extremely dizzy. "Hey sweetie, don't open your eyes too fast. You had a blackout in class. Your teacher and I brought you into here, the sick room. I have some water here for you and a snack. How are you feeling?" A mother-like voice spoke. I felt a hand run down my face and rub my arm. I slowly opened my eyes again trying to adjust to the harsh lighting of the room. "W-w-water p-p-please," I croaked. My eyes slowly began to show my surroundings. I was in a cream coloured room, on a bed. There were multiple hanging fluoro lights that shun brightly. I turned to see the nurse facing me with a gentle smile on her face. She was young, probably mid 20's, with brunette hair with dark purple ends. Her face looked loving and calm. She smiled at me, but had a sad look. She handed a small white plastic cup of water. "Take small sips sweetie," she calmly spoke. I took a few sips and coughed slightly, since my throat was very dry. Pain then shot throughout my entire body. I groaned loudly and clenched my stomach. I felt an immense pain inside. "Bu-buck-bucket," I stuttered. The nurse looked at my confused for a second, then saw me clench at my stomach. She passed me a small trash can that was next to her desk. I bent over and vomited a mixture of water and blood into the bin. Pain once again overtook my body. I laid back down and shut my eyes, shivering. A few tears escaped my eyes from the amount of pain I was in.

After a few minutes of laying in pain, I opened my eyes and looked to the nurse. She had a sad expression on her face. When she noticed me looking at her she smiled softly and asked, "Are you okay." I quickly looked away and nodded my head. "What is your name sweetie?" She continued. Shyness overtook me and I could barely manage to stutter a reply.

"J-j-jus-Justin." I said almost as a whisper. I looked back up at her. Her eyes held sadness in them.

"Well Justin, I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever feel like talking," she spoke with a serious tone.

"Th-thank yo-you" I replied. She still was looking at me, as if she wanted me to tell her something. I sent her a weak smile and drank a little sip of water.

"Can I get you something to eat?" She asked. My eyes widened and stomach turned at the thought of food. I shook my head at her. "Are you sure? You should really have some food, it will make you feel a lot better, especially after blacking out." She continued on.

"N-no. Re-rea-really. I'm n-not hu-hungry. I feel a b-b-bit sick in t-t-the st-st-stomach t-t-too." I stuttered pathetically. A sad expression plastered over her face. It's like she knew there was something wrong with me.

"Justin, can I ask you something?" She asked, looking serious again. I don't really feel like talking. Especially with the amount of pain I am in. But I decided to just let her ask. I looked at her and nodded my head. "Okay, well... you don't have to answer if you don't want to." She paused and just looked at me sadly. I smiled weakly at her. "Why do you have so many bruises on your face?" My eyes immediately widened and I looked to the wall next to me. Tears began to build up in my eyes. My heart began to speed up with its beats. "It's okay Justin, you don't have to answer," she spoke soft and sad. "Do you want to go home early today?" She asked. I couldn't bring myself to look at her or talk from embarrassment, so I just nodded my head. "Okay I will write it in. Do you want me to call someone for you?"

"N-n-no I can d-dr-drive h-h-home." I whispered. I picked myself up and walked to the door. As I was half way through it I turned back to see her still looking at me. I sent her a fake smile and pathetically spoke, "th-thank y-y-y-you." I shut the door and walked straight to my locker, collecting everything I brought to school. I hurried out the front entrance and to my car. I know exactly what I am going to be doing for the rest of the day. I needed to get home.

I zoned out for the silent drive home. Before I knew it, I was in my driveway parking my car. I quickly got out and rushed through the front door to my house. I threw my bag on the ground and ran to my room and to my bathroom. I locked the door behind me. With tears practically running down my cheeks I opened the cabinet drawer, pulling out the razor blade. I looked into the mirror and what looked back was a broken boy. He was bruised, bloodied and tired. I chuckled sadly and put the razor to my wrists making several cuts. All that was going through my mind was the fact that everyone hated me. I was a worthless waste of space. Sharp stinging pains shot through my arm, but I just smiled and kept going. Blood was now dripping down my arm. I leaned back against the wall and slid down to my knees. After only a few seconds I burst into tears, not bothering to clean the mess I had just made.

One day soon, I hope that this pathetic life I live comes to an end.

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Hello everyone! So sorry it took my so long to update! I bought a new laptop so I can write more frequently :) please vote and leave a comment to let me know if you like this story. I would really appreciate it. Hope you are all well and love you all

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