Chase's secret mate

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~° Akira °~

I woke up feeling myself in someone's arms. I looked at the owner and saw Ryder.

I tried going back to sleep as it was still six o'clock, but then I heard something strange. I got out of bed and followed the sound. It sounded like someone was searching for something, I kept following until a girl came into my view.

She was looking around. I was about to ask her what was she doing, but then I backed.

' I shouldn't talk with strangers ', I thought, and then I saw another person come into view.

I looked at the figure more carefully and saw Chase, what is he doing here?

" Hey Zoey " he said.

" Hello delta" she said.

" How many times did I tell you to call me chase? I don't want my mate calling me delta " he said.

Woow Chase got a mate, and I never knew.

" But I am an omega, delta, " said the girl named Zoey.

" As if I care, you are my mate " he said getting kind of angry.

Wait! So Chase got a mate, and I never knew and she is an Omega.

Chase got an Omega mate, and I never knew.

I hate you Chase. I hate you so much, I tell you everything.

" Yes Del- Chase " she corrected her mistake.

Chase's eyes softened.

" So when are we going to tell the others? I don't like not being able to spend my time with you " he said.

" Sorry, but I will be dyed if my family knew " she said, fear showed in her voice.

Chase went to her and hugged her and whispered something that I didn't catch.

I chose to go back to the room, before Ryder is awake and in order to see my puppy as well.

I went back to my room and sat one the chair. I played with Tracy. That's my dog's name. I am still working on it.

I put her some water, and I went to the kitchen to get her some food. When I came back, Ryder was already awake, and he wasn't pleased. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

His eyes caught me, and he relaxed a bit and the next second I was in his arms.

" Don't go that way again " he said.

" But I didn't want to wake you up " I replied.

" Next time, wake me up, I thought that you left " he said, " it is so painful not to wake up to your mate's face "

That's how Chase feels every day. I hope I can help him.

I hugged Ryder back and then he let me go. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, but Chase and Zoey were always in my mind. They are so cute together.

" Akira, are you okay? " asked Ryder getting my attention.

" Yeah, I am perfectly fine " I said with a smile.

He smiled back and gave me a peek on the lips. He changed his clothes and then we went to have breakfast. Chase wasn't there.

Ryan came along with Lauren, and they stated talking, Nilly and Zack came shortly after. I started having a conversation with Nilly, she told me that she started liking Zack and that made me really happy, but I know that already. I want her to tell me something about her being pregnant with his kid, something that way. I want to be an aunt.

I have started imagining small Zack and Nilly since I saw them in the party making out together.

Anyway, we talked about random things, and I had fun. Nilly is seventeen but she got a mind of a kid.

Anyway, after dinner I and Nilly went out to the garden, I gave the flowers some water, and started singing. I like singing a lot, but I don't do it a lot.

Afterwards, I and Nilly started talking about fashion, celebrities, soccer, and we ended up singing together.

Nilly and I have always been friends. Well, I first knew her because of her brother but when she grew older, distance started forming.

After staying in the garden for thirty minutes remembering some memories. That was lots of fun, I haven't laughed that hard in ages.

I was so happy.

After that, we went to my room, I introduced Tracy to her, she was so afraid at first, but then she started getting used to it.

After staying with Nilly, Rin finally chose to join us, and we started talking but Rin wasn't her normal cheerful self, I tried asking her many times what's wrong but she never really replied. She just said she is ok.

I shook it off for now. We stayed together all night, until Ryder came.

He wasn't so pleased so I knew something was wrong.

Nilly went to Zack and Rin went to her room. I started talking with Ryder, but I didn't feel like he was in the mood, so I changed and went to sleep directly.

Hey guys finally done, sisa9999 here is your chapter and thanks for the three updates today, I really liked the chapter, I will try updating again tomorrow but the network here is miserable.
See ya in another chapter guys

Random question: what do you think about the chapter?

The alpha's young mate ( completed )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon