A different Life

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The train disappeared.

Just few inches away from me, the train disappeared. I was scared, confused and worried. My knees hit the tracks so hard as I fell, I am so confused and so scared but something else bothered me. Someone was watching me, someone was here with me and i didn't know who it was.

I switched on my phone while I laid on the tracks. I was far away from my home town and i was too weak to go back home and the aching pain in my knees would let me ride my bike so I called uber.

In no time, a black camry came and an old man came out of it. He held me up into the care with so much sympathy and placed my bicycle in his trunk. He took me to the hospital where I got my knees treated. I was absent minded throughout the process and my dad was called but he was too busy to come so he sent my older cousin to me.

Ada was a really pretty girl, she was sweet and very caring, she was caramel in complexion with very dark hair. She stayed with me for a week which was my bed rest and i didn't go to school. No one came to look for me and my phone was turned off the whole week. Augustine came once but he didn't stay long, he laid with me and wrapped me in his arms. He didn't say anything but he was there and i appreciated that. The dreams kept coming and I had no option that to ask Ada about it since she kindof like supernatural things

"Ummm Ada" I called her when I sat on the dinning table "can I ask you something?"

She turned around looking at curiously with a hint of worry because I never really started a conversation with her " sure babe shoot"

I swallowed an invisible lump in my throat and tried structuring the words before delivering them " You see whenever I close my eyes... I.I.I.. " I stopped talking since I was stuttering to much but she cajoled me to continue
"It's like I'm in in.. in another world and i don't know i hallucinate things and stuff"

She came close to me and her brows knitted as her brown eyes stated at me "when did this start?"

"About a while ago"

"Do you remember what happened before it started?"

I looked at her then back at my fingers I had been playing with since I started the conversation. "No, I really don't remember"

She sighed and relaxed but still looking worried "So what do you hear or see?"

I felt happy in a way that she believed me and was willing to listen so I told about everything. About Esmeralda's words and Yeavar's. I told her about the wolf that bit me and every other thing that has happened including the disappearing train and vampires and the best she could do was laugh.

She laughed so hard that tears fell from her eyes, I rolled my eyes and sighed as I was irritated at how I trusted her "You need to stop watching those supernatural films ok" she said amidst her laughter " like literally you need to cut of the twilight sagas, teen wolf ,originals, secret circle and HA! Harry potter" she continued laughing so I just stood up and left regretting it bitterly.

she left some days after our so called conversation, I was glad to be alone again in the house, I was also more happy my knees had healed quickly too, my hair has gotten longer and i was just ok.

I had decided to start school and forget everything that happened, forget about the kiss, visions and everything and pretend like it was a new session.

I got to school early enough to get my books from the locker before the first bell. Aurora my only friend has kept a seat for me by her for first period and i was glad. Yacoub and his boys soon walked in class, my tummy tingled when I saw him but I looked away since I wasn't up for drama that day. He passed me and i could smell his scent, it was so alluring but I had a stronger mind and that mind helped me sail throughout the day.

I did that for three days straight and luckily for me it helped me all I did was have a sneak peak at him and we've at his sister, look for joy in everything I did and go out with Aurora.

I bought a new book, i made it my conpanion. I write about everything i hear in my dreams and express myself there. I guarded the black book with gold vines inscribed on it with my life and so I felt more easy being alone and it went well for a while.

Only for a while

One day during first period the principal came to introduce a new student to us. I could care less at the new student but immediately she came In, I felt a dark aura around me, like a really strange vibe that made me look up from what I was writing and behold I saw her.

I had seen her before with Yacoub on countless occasions but now that I was looking at her, she looked more familiar that those times i had seen her. Images of her flashed through my head, one was really disturbing. She had her hair packed up and wore a really big cape and held a black serpent, her eyes were full black and evil. I shook my head slightly to erase the image as I opened my eyes and she was normal again but I still had this bad vibe about her.

"GOOD morning students, I would like to formaly introduce you to our new students Miss Serena edwards" the class applauded why some said welcome and even went as far hugging but I sat still and looked straight at her just before her eyes fell on me and she gave me a devilish smile that said nothing but trouble.

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