Pieces of a broken heart.

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As I opened my eyes, the wolf was gone like the wind. It soon occured to me that it wasn't real but some part of me nagged it was real.

For a while, Augus wasn't in mind not till I got home and met the empty house. Nobody but me. Dad had gone to work and mom was far away from us. I had no siblings, cousins or aunts, no neighbours.

I walked over to the counter where I sited a white sheet of paper,

I'll be gone for a week
There's money on your bed and if you need more I'll transfer some to you or mail it
Take care of yourself and eat

I crushed the paper and tossed it missing the trash, why didn't he let me go with mom if wasn't going to treat me well. I have endured the lonliness for four years and was emotionally starved. Dad never was around for me and mom was far away not calling or writing, August


Sobs escaped my trembling lips and i cried for i felt unloved, deprived, isolated. I just wanted love,or care anything affectionate that will last. August could protect me but it was clear he didn't want me, he always wanted me gone. I crashed to the ground crying so hard as my chest rose and fell. I felt my stomach jerk as my sadness enveloped me soon I fell asleep.

What's making you get Esmeralda


Please talk to me, I hate seeing you like this

You hardly see me

But I now do and you look so sad, why?

My father. .. he sold me into the palace slavery now I'm bound to serve the vampires for life.

Wow.. that's sad Esmeralda

I woke up on the hard floor of our kitchen but it wasn't dark, the sun has come out. I hurriedly made my way upstairs and had my bathe then I dressed up. I was already late so I just took a thin hand yellow a-line gown and black sandals and picked my jacket. The money my dad left was on The bed so I pulled out some notes and stuffed them in my bag and left the house.

I ran into class since the halls were empty and slumped into the seat next to Aurora, she gave me a horrified gasp

"You look like shit!" She exclaimed

"I feel like shit"

"Oh my gosh, what happened to you?"

I was about to tell her what happened between me and Augus but remembered he was my secret so I lied"I had a fight with dad again, normal shits"

"Oh" she rubbed my shoulder "sorry". Our teacher entered the class and i just zoomed out of class my thoughts guiding me out of the present.

I thought about Augustine and how he was, how he saved my life and how he had shown me a different world in this world. He showed me a side of his that no one knows and it seemed I was the only human on earth who has proof vampire existed and we're not monsters like the media makes them.

The loud cheers of the class knocked me out and as I looked up students were packing up their books and bags, i didn't hear the bell ring.

"What's going on?" I asked a now standing Aurora, her heart face and wavy red hair looked down at me as she arched an eyebrow

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