I'm sorry

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I woke up with a throbbing headache and beads of sweat dropped down my face from my forehead. I was in my bed and tucked underneath a blanket.

I tried moving but I felt paralysed and weak. I gasped at my body's numbness. I heard movements from outside my room door which was open and froze.

Who was at home with me?

The last thing I remembered was coming into my room with an injury the wolf gave to me and Augustine was here.

His eyes widened when he saw my blood and he moved towards me. I just mentioned werewolf before passing out by his feet.

I moved the blanket aside to see i was wearing a night gown and not yacoub's shirt. I closed my eyes as images of him transforming flooded my head.

Yacoub was a werewolf and he had bit me and left a wound but when i touched the area his teeth sank into, it was smooth. I forced myself to sit up and climbed down my bed groaning as my body weight rested on my feet.

I tripped as I didn't see the shoes on the ground. My body hurt as it hit the rug. Why was the room so dark? As I tried to stand up a hand held my arms and lifted me. My eyes widened when I saw Augustine.


"Try to gather your strength my love" I nodded as he placed me on the bed slowly "how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok August but what are you doing here?"

"I carried you home after your visit last night "

"No.. no I didn't see you last night"

"Yes meralda you did" but he was lying to me because I remembered everything from last night.

"You are lying to me" I said looking him right in the eye but then it changed colour and light began to emit from it. He was going to compel me "do not do that Augus!!"

His eyes widened as I called his name in a different way the same way it was being called in my trances and visions "what did you just call me?"

I kept silence and I didn't know why i didnt reply him then he tackled me and held me down on the bed. Nothing about him being on top of me was sexy again because this time I was fighting for my mind and the truth.

I tried to push him off screaming and groaning at the same time but he was stronger and he grasped my neck, forcing me to look at him. I choked as I concentrated on his glowing eyes coughing and gasping for air as his large hand constricted my throat.

"From now on Esmeralda you will forget about last night. You will have no memory of werewolves. You will be innocent and vulnerable and extremely loyal to me obeying my every command and remain madly in love with me. is that clear?"

I choked out a yes, happy that he confirmed that werewolves were real and I wasn't hallucinating.

"No more werewolves no more yeavar no more powers just me and you like old times..it's that clear honey?"

"Yes... ..sir". He released me and I inhaled a large amount of air and coughed rubbing my throat where it ached from his grip.

I wasn't sure what had happened but I still had the memories and I remembered Yacoub transforming but if i showed it to him .. he might still come at me so I did what I don't know how to do best ACT.

"August?" I faked a low tone for him "what are you doing here?"

"Oh babe I missed you so much and wanted to see you today. .I am so sorry I left and I promise not to leave again " he said cupping my hand with his. He was such a good actor and it irritated me that he was not even genuine but what was he doing in my house yesterday ?

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