Chapter 13: Ferbanessa part1

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"Phineas and Ferb building something?"


"Mom outside of house?"


"Jeremy and Isabella in positions?"


"Ferb not having a clue about Vanessa's arrival-"


"Ok, ok, I was just making sure." I replied defensively.

Stacey and I were going through the last minute checklist of our ingenious plan.

At first, Stacey, Vanessa and I were going to hang out for while. Then I was going to get this incredible urge to bust Phineas and Ferb and would insist Vanessa and Stacey to help me.

We would first spy on the boys and call Linda a couple of times. This would not only help in the plan but also satisfy Linda that Candace was still into busting.

Then I would become impatient and drag Stacey to get Linda while Vanessa would be ordered to stay and guard the invention.

Jeremy and Isabella would make sure that she would only talk to Ferb, in order to not look suspicious and weird in front of the boys.

Genius right?

The doorbell rang and Stacey and I hurried downstairs.

"Hello! Welcome to my humble adobe!" I said cheerfully while opening the door.

"Why thank you." Erving replied.

My cheeriness swished out of me, just like the air would swish out of a balloon.

"Where are Phineas and Ferb?"

"In the backyard." I replied, and slammed the door shut.

"Hey!!" Came an angry voice from the other side.

I recognized the voice as Vamessa's and quickly opened the door.

Apparently I slammed in right in her face.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

She let out a huff but nodded.

I can't believe I've been so rude to her. I mean first during the call and now.

I let her in and we all went up to my room.

"So Vanessa, how's everything going?" Stacey asked, breaking the awkwardness that settled in.

"Everything's fine..." she replied awkwardly.

"We hadn't seen each other for so long so I decided to invite you here, so we can have a girls day in." I said.

Ok that was huge lie, but I had to say something so she wouldn't get too suspicious or awkward. Especially since later she's going to be feeling very awkward when we start busting.

"Um, yeah. It's been a while. so what did you guys have planned?"

"Planned?" I asked.

Well we couldn't exactly tell her what we had planned.

"Stacey, tell her what we had planned for us girls to indulge in today." I chuckled nervously.

"Well, um we thought we could go to the mall."

"You know, I could have just met you guys there?" Vanessa said.

"Yeah, but that wouldn't have been as much fun." I quickly replied.

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