Chapter 7: Hey,Where's Danville?

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I opened my eyes when the dizziness tamed down, and realized that I'm on a bed.

And not just any bed.

MY bed.


No. This wasn't right. It COULDN'T be right!

I looked around the room, to clear my doubt.

Everything was there. The peach walls, the Phineas and Ferb posters, everything.

I looked at my hands to see five fingers, proving my suspicion to be correct.

Great Googlimooglie! I had returned.

I jumped out of bed and circled my room, a habit I had when I tried to clear my mind.

How could I have returned? Wasn't I supposed to come back during my sleep? What was going on? Did this really happen? Or was this just a dream?

I should have been really happy that I returned! I wanted this for so long!

I gasped.

THIS was the good feeling I had. I knew something good was gonna happen, and if this had happened sooner, it would have been good. Instead of being ecstatic on returning, I was sad!

I didn't want to be back, I mean I still had to help Isabella! We were so close to helping her!

I had to go back I just HAD to! I couldn't let Isabella down when we were so close to helping her!

I jumped back in my bed, trying to fall asleep.

I went to Danville during my sleep, so maybe I'll go there again in my sleep.

It didnt work for returning but maybe the pattern is that I can go to Danville asleep and back home awake.

It was far-fetched but still didnt hurt to try.

I took deep breaths and counted to ten, trying to calm my fast beating heart.

After a few seconds I was calm, but I still wasn't able to sleep. I stayed in bed for ten more minutes but got up.

It was almost impossible for me to fall back asleep, why would it be different now?

I decided to change my pajamas and have breakfast. Maybe I could think of something after eating.

I went to my drawer to take out my clothes.

What time was it? what day was it? Had anyone noticed I was gone?

I wondered as my mind was now processing the thoughts of returning back home.

Just as I picked out my clothes, my door thrusted open and Carley stepped in.

"Hi Candace! I see your already up! Today I'm gonna enlighten you with 'the Hunger Games'"

I stared at my best friend, wide-eyed.

Did she say CANDACE?!

"Candace? Hellooo?" She said waving her hand over my face

"C-Carley?" I whispered.

She gasped.

"Jennifer! Your back!" She ran over to me and squeezed me in a hug.

"Oh my gosh Jennifer! I missed you so much!" She squealed, while I stood there dumb-struck.

I still didnt understand why she called my Candace.

Carley was practically jumping in excitement, asking me questions which I didn't even register.

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