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I opened my eyes slowly, squinting slightly at the bright light.

As my eyes adjusted to the intensity of the light, I noticed I was on a bed, facing a ceiling that wasn't sloping!

Looking around, I confirmed that I was in my own room, with five fingers on each hand.

Did I really go into Danville, or had it been just a really long and dream?

But dreams couldn't be so vivid or detailed.
Could they?

I decided to call Carley in confirmation.

I dialed Carley's number and waited patiently as it ringed.

"Hello?" She mumbled.


"Jennifer?!" Her voice became excited. "You're back!"

"So it wasn't a dream...."

"A dream? It was real alright. In fact if it had been a dream, it would've been a nightmare!"

"A nightmare? Oh! You were stuck with Candace!" I mused.

"No need to sound so happy, I was miserable!"

I laughed.

"Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be there in ten."
I ended the call and got up from my bed, heading to the bathroom to get ready.

I still can't believe everything that had happened!


"Hi Mrs Anderson!" I chirped.

"Hello dear." She replied back warmly. "Would you like a cookie?"

I took a warm chocolate chip cookie, out of the tray in her oven-mitten clad hands, and smiled. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Mrs Anderson continued. "Carley is in her room."

I nodded my head and started towards upstairs, as I took a bite of the cookie.

The cookie was baked to perfection, with exactly the right amount of chocolate chips.

Mrs Anderson was an amazing baker and she always baked for us. It had been such a long time since I ate her creations.
If I wasn't in such a hurry to meet Carley, I would've taken a detour, back to the kitchen to devour all the cookies.
But that doesn't mean that I wasn't still tempted to do so.

While trying to control my urge to go back, I spotted Max, Carley's little brother.

"Hi Max!" I chirped out, happier than I normally do, when I see him, since he's always trying to annoy Carley and I.
Who knew I would miss him too?

"Urgh, leave me alone."

"Nice to see you too." I smile, ruffling his hair.

I can't help it. I'm in a real good mood!
All the stress and depression from before was gone, and left me to even more happy than I normally am.

Max stomps down the stairs, as I chuckle and finish the remaining of my cookie.

Upon reaching Carley's room, I burst in, without knocking.


We both scream at the same time, before engulfing into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much!" I tell Carley, after pulling away from our hug.

"I missed you too!" She replied. "Now tell me everything in detail. What happened?!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, and began telling her the story.


After telling each other our stories, and eating loads of cookies, which Mrs Anderson brought upstairs for us, we lazed around, enjoying each other's company, after so long.

"You know Jennifer, I think we should write a fanfic about all of this." Carley said suddenly.

"Like the ones on Wattpad?"

"Yeah! I mean no one is going to believe us otherwise." She voiced. "And the event is far too amazing to be left untold."

Well she did have a point.

"Yeah, that's a good idea!"

"But what would we call it?" Carley asked, while coming over to the computer, where I was sitting.

"I know!" I exclaimed, and opened up a word document. "Swap!"

"A Phineas and Ferb fanfic!" Carley added.

The End.

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