From the sound of his voice, Maya realize that he was truly sorry and decides to drop the subject.

Maya: Sigh. jeez, you're really unbelievable, you know that?
Jun: Y-yeah. Sorry.
Maya: I get it already so stop apologizing. It's rare for you to spend most of your money on something. I believe that this is the first time that this happened.
Jun: What can I say? Even someone like me has his faults.
Maya: True.

Some time later, it was already starting to get dark when the two finally leaves school. They continue walking together and soon finds themselves in a residential area.

Maya: Hey, listen. When will your mom be coming back?
Jun: Hmmmm. She hasn't said anything. I'm guessing I'll be on December since that's the time she usually comes home.
Maya: I see.
Jun: Why do you ask?

At this point, Maya was slightly turning red. Jun notice this but doesn't say anything. The way she was talking was already different. Like she was nervous a little.

Maya: If...If it's alright with you, I can make you lunch starting tomorrow. That way, you'll be able to save money until you get your allowance.
Jun: Huh? Are you sure?
Maya: I wake up really early. It wouldn't affect my daily routine if I made an additional lunch.

It was obvious to Jun to what she was really doing but simply smiles before replying.

Jun: If its not too much trouble then I'll gladly accept.

Hearing that made Maya a little too happy that she couldn't help but get excited.

Jun: I mean, who doesn't like free food?

And hearing that instantly annoyed her. However, she knew it was Jun's own way of saying "Thank you".

Maya: Just make sure you finish everything. I'll get mad if you leave even a piece of rice.
Jun: Yeah, yeah. I know.
Maya: Good! (giggles)

After walking for five minutes, they come across a convenience store. They were about to pass it when Jun suddenly stops and stares at the building with a serious look on his face. Maya realize this as she turns around.

Maya: What's wrong?

Without looking at her, Jun answers back.

Jun: Sorry. Can you go on ahead?
Maya: Huh? Are you going to buy something? I thought you barely had any money left.
Jun: I just remembered that someone asked me to buy something for them.
Maya: It's fine. I can wait here and--.

Jun finally turns to Maya but she was surprise to see him being all serious. She doesn't say anything else and agrees with him.

Maya: I don't know what you're up to but alright. Just get home safe, alright?
Jun: Yeah. Thanks.
Maya: And besides, it's probably a guy thing. Like adult magazines or something.

After saying her good bye, Maya goes on ahead and leaves Jun.

Jun: " Adult magazines ", huh? If only it was that simple.

Jun turns his attention back at the store. As he was focusing, he could see something surrounding the entire building. It was like a transparent-like sphere that had a dark purple-ish color.

Jun: A barrier. A poorly made one if somebody ask me. Probably a D-Class. Whoever made this was an amateur. But what I'm more concern about are the civilians inside. Looks like they're finally making a move.

Jun slowly walks toward the front door. As he opens it, he quickly steps inside but to his surprise, everything was normal. Although there wasn't a single person in the store. Even the staff were missing.

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