Chapter 1

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Song: On Top of the World
Band: Greek Fire

Percy's Pov

I lay in my beds cabin and start to think. Think about her and golden locks. Her and her pretty smile. Her and her stormy, intelligent eyes. I think about the day she broke up with me.. the day of the war.

I can't help but feel like she killed us. Her and Piper were in a relationship. Jason wasn't focusing anymore. I stopped caring about the fights, mid-way through battle. Hazel and Frank got into a fight and they weren't helpin eachother. Piper's charm speak was off and Leo... Poor Leo.. I-I don't even know what happened to that crazy super-sized McShizzle.

As I said... I was in Cabin 3 just minding my own business, trying to calm after the death of my friends and then, someone jerks open the door. It's Pollux, the son of Dionysis. His golden blonde hair glittered in the teal lighting cast in my room. Purple eyes stared back at my crazily. His breath was slow and shallow as he ran over to me and clutched my arm; pulling my out of my bed and room.

I didn't decide to stop it yet. I looked at the back of his head and frowned as my chest tightened. Pollux's brother Castor died in the first war. They were the 'original' twins. Does-does that mean Pollux has been alone for all these years.

I stopped mid-trail and spun him around. He let go of my arm and started to shout; "Percy we don't have time. A council meetin-" I cut him off with a hug. "Umm Percy?"

"I'm so sorry about Castor. I'm so so sorry," I whispered.

He tensed in my arms but gave my a hug back. We let go and he nodded in my direction. We both set out to the Big Hall and situated ourselves in our seats.

"So the meeting shall start," Chiron announced. He rested his hands on the table and wiped the sweat from his brow. "Camp Half-Blood is under threat of being discovered. It seems Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades has been taken in by an outside-the-borders company called S.H.I.E.L.D. I discovered this when I irised mesaaged him. It seems that the boy is stuck in a glass prison and seems sick. Iris messages come through to him and that is all the information I have." We all just sat there for a second before all hell broke loose.

How did I not notice that Nico had gone missing? This was my little cousin. It was our unspoken rule to protect eachother and now he's.. oh gods.

"Let me go on this quest to save him," I stood up. Everyone had gone quiet and Chiron looked at me greatfully.

"Well since I'm here might as well spew out some green mist-

What lies between the son of three-"

"Nope!" I slapped a hand over Rachael's face and looked back over at everone's shocked faces. "What did you expect!?" I sat back down and leaned into the table. "I'll infultrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and help get Nico back, this us a regular quest and I don't need a prophecy. Because next thing you know ANOTHER WAR!" I stormed out of the Great Hall and started to my cabin. I huffed and packed my bag.

My hands were shaking as I put another t-shirt into my bag. I held them out in front of me and stared at the rough skin. Only and farmer, or blacksmith were to have hands like mine.. or maybe Leo. I sighed and heaved the bag over shoulder, walked out to camp and into a van that Argus was driving. I'm guessing Chiron sorted out the transport for me. First place my mothers.

A/N- so how'd you guys like it! Please comment, vote, and follow me! The song is amazhang and I hoped you listened to it!

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