Chapter 13

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Kay's POV:

Clearly Suga likes to lie right to my fucking face. Why would he find it necessary to lie to me if he isn't doing anything wrong. Maybe he is up to something no good. I actually don't feel guilty at this point for getting Yuju to do the spying for me.

According to the past jobs I gave Yuju, she is able to collect tons of information on the target in 3 days or less. So I will have a file in just a little time.

I am hoping he is not doing something that will end up ultimately hurting me.

Yuju's POV:

As soon the call with my close friend who also happens to be my boss, Kay, ended I packed my weapons and cameras so I can be out and about doing research on this so called Min Yoongi.

I do have access to Kay's wifi router and know Yoongi's phone number. As Yoongi connects to the wifi at Kay's place I will be able to tap into his phone and clone it onto a dummy phone I have.

How that works it once Yoongi is on Kay's wifi I can bypass Yoongi's phone security and duplicate his phone onto this extra phone I have.

I will end with a copy of Yoongi's phone which self updates from time to time.

I wander around my home a bit till I find my computer to see if he was connected.

Bingo! He was so now I will be able to send this copy to Kay to see if she finds anything off in it.

Kay's POV:

My phone buzzes as I was resting in the living room watching a movie. Suga was on the other side of the room which was a result of me trying to keep our distance.

I lift up my phone and I see Suga look at me from my peripheral vision. I noticed his eyes trail from me to the phone so I know he is wondering what I am doing.

I turned on my phone screen and swiped on the message from Yuju telling me to open the door to my house and retrieve the parcel she left there. Along with that she warned me about Yoongi seeing what's in the parcel.

I wonder what was sent to me in the parcel so I rushed to the door and opened it. There was a pretty small box the size of a iphone 6 plus.

The parcel was carried into the house and I opened it in the living room.

I honestly don't care if Suga saw since its not like he can get access to what's in the box.

The scissors were right next to me as I tear away at the parcel to reveal a phone. I look at the phone all around and don't see anything off.

"Who sent you that phone?" Suga asked quietly.

"My mom." I say with a bitter tone.

" Didn't your mom-" I cut Suga off mid sentence.

" If YOU can lie to me why do you think I can't lie to you?" I felt more anxious to turn on the phone and looking at what Yuju sent me.

My fingers traveled to the on button of the phone and the apple logo flashed bright white. My face illuminated as it turned on. I didn't know exactly what to expect from the phone but I could feel my heart beating.

As the phone turned on, I was met with the wallpaper of Suga's dog Holly. The dog is really cute and all but it was not cute enough to stall me from looking into the phone.

Before I continue I got an idea.

"Hey Suga you have your phone with you?" I ask wanting to see how he responds.

" Yes right here.Why?" Suga replies as he waves around his phone in front of me. I saw his phone flash on with the same background as the phone Yuju sent me.

"Can you open it and give it to me?" I was testing my limits here. I know he is acting really sketchy so why would he be willing to give me the phone.

" Um, wait a minute." Suga replies as a sweat drop trickles down his face.

I knew it. He was getting rid of whatever bad thing he had on his phone. This boy has the audacity to do that.

Once he was finished doing whatever he was doing on his phone, he handed it to me. I didn't even want to go through anything. I wanted to see if Suga's phone was the same as the phone Yuju sent me.

I scroll through the app and memorize everything. I open up the messages and carefully see the order of it.

I hand the phone back to Suga as I scoot over to the other side of the couch.

Once again I drag my finger across the screen and open up the phone to be shown the same home screen he had on his phone.

I went straight to his messages. I believe this is the best place to find dirt of him.

I two concerning things right off the back. One is that there are two names that are normally for significant others. One name was 'Babe' and the other was 'My Everything'. I click on 'Babe' and see that the messages were between me and him.


Who is 'My Everything'? I scroll through the messages and see Suga getting all lovey dovey with another chick. Throughout all the messages I didn't see any name that can tell me who the girl was.

I text Yuju the number and tell her to research and give me information on the number.

All of a sudden I feel the dummy phone vibrate. New messages for 'My Everything' were popping up.


{Suga} "Hey! Want to meet up tomorrow at the cafe downtown?"

{My Everything} " Yes of course! What time?"

{Suga} "Does 3 seem like a good time?"

{My Everything} " Yup! See you there babe. Love you."

The messages made me want to vomit. This is quite a shame that he would take this way instead of just breaking it off with me.

I felt deceived but I want to know who exactly he is getting with. They are messing with the wrong person I swear.

I send all this information with Yuju as the plan is for her to follow them around and take pictures.

I having something more important coming up so I will deal with this problem later.

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