Chapter 11

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Yoongi POV:

"Mhhhhhhhh" I groan as I feel someone rolling around in my arms.

I sit up a bit, enough to see clearly and I see Kay sweating a lot and mumbling. She looked pale and she was shaking in her sleep.

I ran downstairs and brought back a bottle of cold water.

"Kay wake up." I shake her slightly.

"Kay come on get up its a dream." I cup her cheeks.

She bolts forwards and looked out of breath. Kay took the bottle right out of my hands and downs it in mere seconds.

"What just happened? What were you dreaming about?" Worry filled my face as Kay just looked shocked.

"If your ex comes back you won't leave me will you?" Kay speaks up with a raspy voice.

" Of course not why would you think that?" I said with sincerity.

Kay leans into my and rests her head on my chest. I lower my chin and rest in on her head.

I know my heart was beating faster and I assume she could tell. Her fingers grab my hand and trace them very lightly.

Her touch was very different from Chaeyo. Chaeyo was the type of person to sexualize every little thing.

Kay's touch was comforting and I was slowly falling in love with it. I want Kay by my side forever.

My lips lightly press against her forehead as we lay in bed together surrounded in a easing environment.

Time went by till we both decided to get up. I'm still wondering what Kay was dreaming about that had her reacting like that.

Kay's POV:

Before I knew it, Yoongi and I had fell asleep.


I walked through an unknown mansion, it was dark and musty. I wasn't scared but it was making me feel uneasy.

A long stretched hallway was presented in front of me with a flickering lamp. I could hear my heart race anticipating what would be around the corner. A sweat drop trickled its way down my head.

I continued on this almost endless journey down the mansion until I reach this door. Around the door was cracks that were glowing red.

With a shaky hand I reached out to open the door. This proved to be a struggle as I didn't want to open it.

I fling the door open and see two people tied up in a warehouse. The seats were far apart and their heads were dropped down. I walked towards them and lifted up one of their heads to find my mom.

I started to panic and rushed over to my dad. I could touch them but my hand went right through the ropes that bonded my parents to the chairs.

I see a man walk slowly towards my parents. I recognized the man to be the owner of SM.

I turned on my heels and ran out the door. I couldn't bring myself to watch my parents be killed. I just couldn't.

As soon as I exited I realized that the location changed completely. Now I was back at my house. Am I still dreaming?

I walked around with a heavy eye to find anything out of place. Everything seemed fine till I walked to my room and find Yoongi.

There was a girl next to him rubbing his arms.

It looked like me but I couldn't pin the thing that seemed off.

It was me but I was dressed really girly with heavy makeup and revealing clothes.

"Ahh Chaeyo." Yoongi whispers almost as a moan.

I felt like throwing up. I knew this was a dream but it still hurt just as much. Would he ever do this to me in real life.

He leans forward and starts kissing her. I see Yoongi's hand travel down to the bottom of Chaeyo's shirt indicating that he was about to remove it.

Suddenly I jolted away.

I was shaken to the core and I snatched a cold bottle of water near me that I chugged down.

Yoongi watched me in concern and all I could ask him was, "If your ex comes back you won't leave me will you?"

His reply made me breath out in relief.

Yoongi held me to his chest where I heard his heart begin to beat really fast. It was really cute. To the sound of his heart beat I managed to calm myself down.

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