10-Cats and Dogs Do Not Get Along

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We finally made it to the Great hall and passed the Marauders. James looked up and smiled at Lily as we passed, and I saw Lily smile back and wave. Marlene, Alice, and I all gave each other surprised looks. Sirius looked up at me and grinned, looking like he was going to get up and come over to us, but I grabbed the other girls by their shoulders and arms and pulled them as far down the Gryffindor table as possible so that we were far far far away from them. We all looked at Lily.

"What?" She asked, clueless.

"What was that whole..." Marlene spoke, then imitated Lily smiling and waving at James. Lily shook her head at us.

"I told you guys, I want to be nice to him from now on. Why is that so hard to understand?" She seemed exasperated with us.

"Nuh-uh, this is more than just being nice to him. That was a flirty smile, and did you guys notice how much she blushed?" Marlene turned to me and Alice and we nodded.

"You look like Alice when she waves at Frank." I nodded, and Alice playfully slapped my arm.

"If you're implying that I like him-" Lily started but Marlene cut her off.

"Oh no way, I am not going down that road again" She groaned, shaking her head. Lily blushed.

"Even if I did like him, which, I'm not saying I do, ... what would be the big deal?" Lily shrugged, taking an apple off the table and examining it, finding that much more interesting than this conversation.

"Lily... THAT WOULD BE SUCH A HUGE DEAL" Marlene squealed, looking positively thrilled. Some people looked over at us when Marlene screamed, including the Marauders from down the table. Lily's whole face turned red as James looked at her, and she shushed Marlene, glaring at her.

"Try talking a bit louder Marlene, I don't think they heard you in the colonies" Lily sarcastically replied, shoving her head in her hands.

"Sorry but... this is big Lils... do you really think you might fancy James Potter?" Marlene whispered now so that no one would overhear us.

"I don't know!" Lily cried. "James has just been... really sweet to me. It almost feels like he's matured somehow. He's stopped pestering me to go out with him and... now that he's not being so forceful anymore... I actually think that if he were to eventually ask me out again I would say yes" She sighed, looking slightly surprised by what she was saying.

"This is absolutely incredible! You must ask him on the next Hogsmeade trip!" Marlene exclaimed, seeming absolutely thrilled. Lily was about to argue with her when I felt a tap on my shoulder and we all looked to see professor McGonagall standing behind me.

"Miss Cullen, will you please follow me to my office before class? There is something I wish to discuss with you" She looked down at me. I gulped but nodded my head. As I stood up and grabbed my bookbag, I looked at the other girls and shrugged, showing them that I had no idea what was happening. I walked down the aisle with her and she stopped near the door, right next to the marauders. Sirius looked up at us and smiled.

"Well if it isn't my favorite teacher and my favorite classmate... What brings you here today Minnie?" He grinned at us, seeming in all too good a mood for my taste.

"For once, Mr. Black, this has nothing to do with you" Professor McGonagall looked at him and I saw a hint of a smile on her face. Sirius' demeanor faltered and I tried my hardest to contain my laughter. "Mr. Lupin, please join me and Miss Cullen in my office please" She gestured towards Remus, and he nodded, looking just as confused as I felt. The other marauders and their other friends watched us as we left, wondering what we had done to make McGonagall want to talk to us. Either we did something really wrong or really right, nothing in between.

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