27th November 2015

23 2 0

We stumbled across a badger set when we were trying to find somewhere warm to sleep for the night; but Sycamoretail got badly bitten. We only just managed to get away from the angry mother and cubs.

Seeing the mother protect her babies so diligently, reminded me of what I had lost. I wish I could turn back time. Starclan, forgive me.

Sycamoretail's wound is bad, it will delay our journey back home for some time and there isn't any herbs poking there way through the thick snow either... We'll just have to hope.

We are now nestled in an old rabbit warren, barely big enough for the two of us and we are shivering to death. The snow also hid any moss of grass that could've been used for bedding, all we had was small lumps of rabbit fur but most had already been blown away by the wind.

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