5. Chapter - The Compreah

Start from the beginning

"Take it please." She took a hold of Corey's hand and put the cube in it.

Corey was so shocked from all the information he got from the alien doctor, he wasn't able to react for some time. When he finally snapped out of it, ready to throw the cube away as far from him as possible, it was too late. The cube was lying on his hand, empty, and the worm-like-thing was slithering its way up his arm, slowly getting closer and closer to his head. He jumped up, desperately trying to shake the device off of him, but it wouldn't let go. It looked like it was somehow stuck to his skin even though it was moving, and he felt so much fear he thought he would pass out. His eyes filled with fresh tears, soon followed by choked sobs. The only thing he could do was watch the thing climbing up his arm, and his soul was filled with hopelessness. He was sure he would faint and wake up different.

Pictures of all the alien movies and books that had a similar concept of invasion were running through his mind, and his panic was rising more and more. He didn't want to lose himself. He didn't want to wake up to find out he is a prisoner in his body without being able to control it.

"No," he cried out, his eyes looking widely around the room, searching for something that could destroy the device. He was even willing to cut his arm if it meant he would stop it.

But there was nothing. The table with the surgical instruments he saw when he came in the room was now empty, and there was nothing else even partially useful.

"Take it away! Take it the fuck away! I don't want to disappear! It's going to kill me! It's going to change me! You are all fucking liars! I knew you were going to do something to us!" he yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks, his whole face red. He started to run to the door that led back to the passenger's sitting area, ready to bang on the door so someone would hear him, but he was stopped by the alien male who caught him by his other arm.

"......" speaking up in the alien language again, Corey's anger got the best out of him, and he yanked his arm away as roughly as he could. The little guy squeaked, startled, and with fearful expression stepped away from him.

Normally, he would feel bad for hurting him, but he was so petrified of the situation he was thinking only about one thing and helping a person who was an enemy in his eyes was not it.

He looked at the device making its way up and new wave of sobs broke out of him. There was only one thing left to do. Turning to his last resort, Rey looked at the worm that was almost at his shoulder already, and started to claw at it with his nails. He knew almost immediately it was futile as the only thing he was scratching was his own arm, but he couldn't stop. It was his last desperate try at freeing himself from the terrible fate that was awaiting him for sure, so he couldn't think clearly. He started to think he would be willing to sacrifice his whole arm if he could get the thing away.

The hot feeling was surrounding his whole arm, and the blood dripping from it was started to flow in stronger and stronger streams. The tears in his eyes were so thick he saw everything blurred, and that was a reason why he didn't see the doctor coming. There was a pair of hands suddenly, stopping his useless attempt to claw his arm away, and pulling him toward he bed. He was pushed to lie down and because he was so surprised and shocked of the action, he wasn't fast enough to react to the restraining straps that were being bound around him, to keep him from harming himself even more.

Shaking violently, trying to get away from the straps, he almost didn't realize the alien was talking.

"I am going to make you fall asleep and treat the terrible wound you have on your arm. You are too stressed to be awake now. But do not worry, you will understand that there is nothing wrong with you after you wake up again," she said, voice strong, full of some kind of unrecognizable emotion. And it was the last thing Corey heard as she touched his head carefully, and he lost consciousness right after.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now