Their Human

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"I would love to..." Your words seem to echo through the house, the fluttery feeling in your heart staying there for a while as you stand in silence. All three of them look at your chest after you say that. Which confuses you, but maybe your soul did something. You didn't have much of a chest to stare at, after all, so you don't know what else they'd be looking at. You start speaking. "I-In... In all honesty I..."

I have to tell them.

I have been calling them these in my mind the entire freaking time.

I should tell them.

They deserve to know gosh dang it.

You step forward a bit, cheeks burning as you close your eyes in an attempt to make yourself smaller. It didn't work but heck. "I actually, s-since I didn't know your names, and I was kind of afraid to ask until now, I-Igaveyouonesinmyheadandtheykindofstuckand-" You were cut off by a pop next to your ear and a small hand against your cheek. It was Hoodie.

"you don't need to panic, just say em... it's alright." Your eyes glance over, and you see that he has a gentle grin on his face.

"O-okay... Uhm... I'll say yours...F-first..." You hold up your hand to Hoodie to let him climb onto it, and he did. You pulled him back down in front of you so you could look him in the eyes. "I..." You blink a bit, and take a breath. You look at him, a warm expression fading into your features as you see his expression. Anticipation... Nervousness...


You sigh softly. Your worries can wait. Right now is what matters to him, and to the others too. "Hoodie." You say. Again... There's that strange echoing of your voice.

His face stays blank for a moment, his eyelights dart down to your chest and linger there for a brief second before looking back up at you. The orbs in his sockets dilate and tears make their way into his eyes.

He jumps onto your chest, barely staying there before you have to support him, or else he would fall. "i-i...i love it it's... heh... it's me! heheh!" You smile, genuine happiness bubbling within you in the form of a happy laugh.

"I'm glad you like it...Hoodie." You hug the little bitty close to your chest, as that is the only place you could at the moment, considering that it would be awkward in other places. You don't notice the blush that coats his face after, but he still smiles nonetheless.

Scarf chirps into the moment. "WHAT ABOUT MINE? WHAT ABOUT MINE??" He jumps excitedly in place and you giggle, reaching up and putting Hoodie on your shoulder. He immediately nestles into your neck, giving out a slight purr. Aww...

Your heart almost melts. Almost.

You reach your arm up to your cheeks and wipe away your tears with your wrist. You walk closer to the coffee table and kneel down, looking at Scarf's eyelights with your own orbs of colour.

It all honesty, his name sounded like a silly name before, but... It wasn't now. It kind of grew on you while you said it in your head along the way. Now it held a dearer meaning in your heart. "Scarf." You say with a fond smile. 

Scarf's eyelights quiver for a moment, tears forming in his sockets before he suddenly knelt down, expression turning into one of sincere happiness. His small hand came to a rest on his chest as he lowered his head. "Thank you... Miss Leala." A tear fell from his socket and your soul literally almost burst with just... FEELINGS MAN.

I swear if his other brother makes my heart fill up with this much emotion I'm just going to end up hugging them dear God.

"I, and my brothers would agree with me on this as well..." He looked back at Carrot, and then up to Hoodie, smiling as his eyelights made their way to your own eyes. "We will forever be bound to you, Leala."

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