Chapter Twelve - "Is that why everyone was looking at us?"

Start from the beginning

"So then when I walk in the house and change I send him a quick text saying 'hey it's Jayna' and he responds like a rabbit by the way. He responded like 3 seconds later saying 'hi' with a smiley at the end. So we're texting for a little while and I say 'I'm tired, I'm gonna head to bed' and he says 'maybe we can get coffee to help you stay up later Saturday' and to that I said 'maybe' with a big smiley face. So basically I think we have a coffee date or something.

"And the only reason I'm saying all this is because I thought he wasn't interested because yesterday when you pushed us together some girl was right behind him using some seductive tactic to get him away from me. I mean it's just coffee so it's not anything serious but I don't know. Plus he's bisexual so i'm fearful about if we did become something he might leave me for some guy, or you for that matter."

She sounds like Caroline when she rants like that. She's only talked like this once before, and thats when she was dating her first ex years ago. She broke her elbow and she was in the hospital and her now ex was there for a sprained ankle, and she thought he was like an angel sent from heaven.

He was nice, but he is the reason she's so cautious about dating now. He was a flirt, like big time. And though I could tell he meant nothing by it, Jayna got really insecure about it. She always thought that he would leave her, and he did eventually. But not for another girl, he just moved and long distance would have killed her.

I do understand her dilemma with Dennis, because bisexuals are wild cards. Because they like both, who knows what could happen. I mean, Dennis seems decent to not cheat, but you never know. And as for that comment when she said he might go for me, I doubt that. I don't even think Dennis is all that cute if i'm being honest. The black hair just doesn't do it for me, it doesn't fit his face at all.

We walk into the school and I spot Caroline, looking extremely tired and almost zombie like. She only ever looks like that when she's handling her niece. The last time she had that look was the day after her sisters birthday, when Riley ate too much cake and started acting hyper and annoying. The girl is cute as a button, but all cute kids have their limits.

"Let me guess: you had Riley after you left." Jayna claims as we approach our spaced out friend. The weather is definitely not helping Caroline transition back into the world. Rain makes her gloomy. Without sunshine, Caroline has no fire. And as cheesy as it sounds, it's true.

"Ugh, yes. Kyle took Carly out for dinner since he got promoted at work and I stupidly said I'll watch her. I was working on my physics homework and she came and got juice all over my books and It took me two extra hours to re-do everything while trying to get her little butt to go to sleep. I never want kids, ever." She decided confidently.

"Being a god-mother will have to suffice, if I have any kids. Odds are I won't so Jayna and Brad are your only hopes."

"Brad will have like eight with six different women. He'll keep you covered, I promise you." Jayna retorts.

"Probably." I agree. Brad is a slut. But I guess in every group of friends you need one. Speaking of sluts, I see Usmana walking down the hallway with a nice dress on. She's going for Hawaiian escort today, good for her.

Usmana Khalieida is literally the biggest slut to ever attend this school. She las literally slept with everyone, and she has no shame about it. One teacher, a few football players, half the baseball team, all of the swim team, two girls from the soccer team, some foreign exchange student last year, and that's just in this school. Can you imagine the numbers she's racked up in other towns. How she has no STDs I will never know.

One good thing about her is that she openly admits to everything. She owns her slut ways, and if you have something you wanna know, she will tell you. I asked her five different times if the rumors were true, and only once has she said one was a lie. I admire her, but she needs to slow it down, too. She's an okay girl, pretty friendly and cool, she's just really slutty.

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