About an hour later, Currie shows up with his wife. Following behind him is a girl who looks about my age, maybe even older.

I walk up to Currie and greet him and his wife.

" Lizzie, this is Priscilla. Our plus one. " he smiles as he introduces us.

I hold out my hand and Priscilla makes the same gesture.

" Nice to meet you. It's nice meeting new people from the states. "

She smiles back at me.

" Likewise. "

John comes up behind me and places his arm around my waist. This startled me and I slightly grow stiff, I anxiously look around, seeing if Elvis saw.

" Who's this, Lizzie? "

" John, this is Priscilla. Her and her family just moved here. "

I happen to catch a glimpse of John, and see a smile on his face, almost a seductive smile. I shake off the feeling as Priscilla is lead by Currie into another room.

" Lizzie, wanna go sit on the couch? "

I hesitantly nod, remembering Elvis's warning from earlier.

Once we're sat, Johns hand sneaks its way over my shoulder. Instead of stiffening up, I lean into his embrace.

" I'm glad you invited me here, Lizzie. "

I look up and see John's light brown eyes smiling down at me.

Here come the butterflies.

John slowly leans his head down and closes his eyes, I mimic him. Our lips almost touch, when...

" Lizzie! John! Come on, Elvis is gonna sing."

Curries voice broke our quiet but comfortable silence from the living room.

I open my eyes and meet John's brown and ones. He lightly laughs and I smile at him.

So close.

We join the others in the living room. Elvis is sat in front of the piano. John and Priscilla are sat on either side of me on one of the couches in the living room.  Currie introduced Elvis and Priscilla after we met. He said she's a big fan, which honestly doesn't surprise me.

There have been other girls older than her, who are fans of his and just throw themselves at him. Oftentimes , he enjoys it. But Priscilla's different, she's 14, a year younger than me, which surprised me. She looks much older than her age. And she didn't throw herself at Elvis, in fact she seemed to shrink back when they first met, she seemed shy.

Elvis starts playing the piano, playing some of his signature songs.

I occasionally catch Elvis glancing over at Priscilla who's sat to my right. I can feel her almost tense up. She's not like other girls our age, who practically throw themselves at my brother. I never did get used to the fact my big brother was a ' sex symbol '.

I don't think I ever will.

The night comes and goes just like that. John is one of the last to leave, and I walk him to the door.

" I had fun tonight, Liz. "  he smiles down at me.

" Me too. Maybe you could stop by again soon? "

He smirks and nods.

" Sounds great. I'll see you at school Monday? "

" Yeah. Well, bye, John. "

He slowly leans down.

" Bye. "

Before I know it, I'm leaning in too. I close my eyes waiting for the impact. Our lips meet briefly, then we both suddenly pull away, both afraid of Elvis catching us.

John opens the door, winks and walks out. I feel as if I'm on cloud 9.

My first kiss.

It was perfect. Suddenly I feel two strong hands on my shoulders.

" Aww, does Lizzie have a little boyfriend? "

Red West teases.

I slap his hands away.

" Oh, shut up, Red. "

He chuckles in amusement and ruffles my hair.

Suddenly, the butterflies in my stomach, make their way to my head, causing me to collapse on the couch. Elvis walks in the second it happens.

" You alright, Liz bug? " he asks, instantly by my side.

" Yeah, I'm fine, Elvis. " I chuckle, waving off his 'concerned big brother' tone.

" Ya sure, baby? "

I nod and give him a reassuring smile.

" Okay, I'm headed on up to bed. If ya need anything just holler for me or Daddy, he should be in the kitchen. "

I nod again, a grin stuck permanently to my face. He gives me a strange look before heading up the stairs.

" Goodnight, Sattnin. "

" Goodnight, Elvis. "

Moments after Elvis has gone to bed, that feeling is still in my stomach. Something I've never experienced before.

These weren't nervous butterflies, not anymore.

These were 'first love' butterflies.

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