Arc One: New Girl

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Jesy groaned as she opened her Math text book to the page of their homework. She hated Math. That was because she never understood it. It's because you don't try to understand it Jesy. She thought of what her friend Jade always said to her when she complained about the subject.

"Stop groaning and start working. School starts in ten minutes and you haven't done a thing." Jade said as she revised what she'd studied the night before. Jade was very studious. That was something she and Jesy did not have in common. Jade would willingly do her homework and would even go out of her way to do beyond the teacher's requests. Jesy on the other hand didn't do it in the first place.

"You know what? I'll just take my punishment." Jesy closed her text book and pulled out a blank paper from her desk.

Jade rolled her eyes. "Please don't tell me your gonna draw graffitti again." She shook her head.

"Be quiet Pickle." Jesy hissed as she focused. Despite the fact that Jade was constantly on her back about doing well in school, the younger girl was a great friend. Jesy enjoyed her company very much. It also impressed Jesy that Jade was only eight years old and in a grade with ten year olds. The little girl was brilliant. Jesy would envy her if she didn't care so little for school.

"Hey ladies." A voice said from in front of the desk that Jesy and Jade shared.

Jesy rolled her eyes. "You're still alive?" She asked rudely. The boy who had spoken's name was Jake. He was a friend of she and Jade's . . . or as he called himself; Jesy's boyfriend. I don't like him. Jesy thought irritatedly.

"Yes I am." Jake said unfazed by her rudeness.  I like a girl with a bit of edge. He moved to his seat to Jesy's left. The tables in their classroom were arranged in pairs. Two people sat at one table . . . all tables were this way except for the seat that stood before Jade and Jesy's desk. That one was a single desk for one person that no one sat at. The children liked sitting in pairs.

Jesy never got why no one sat at that seat. It was one of the things she constantly wondered about since the new school year started. It was almost like it was reserved for someone and though no one knew for sure, they still had a feeling to stay away from it. She shrugged. Nothing I need to worry about.

The school bell rang signalling the start of the school day.

"Yay!" Jade cheered getting her coloured pencils from her bag. She liked making all her notes look pretty and colourful.

Jesy groaned for the second time today. "Ugh. I haven't even done my Math homework. The teacher's gonna freak."

Jade turned wide eyes at Jesy. "I literally just told you to get your homework done!" She whined. It kind of irritated her that Jesy never listened to her. There was really nothing she could do about it though.

The students waited a full fifteen minutes for their Math teacher to arrive.

Jade made a little sobbing noise as she started looking around. "Our teacher, where is she?"

Jesy smiled. "Maybe she finally took my advice and took a hike." She laughed.

Jake looked at the clock. He felt as if something different was going to happen. He leaned over to Jesy. "Prepare for the worst."

Jesy raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Just as the class was beginning to get noisy with chatter from the students, their Math teacher who doubled as their homeroom teacher stepped in wearing a smile. "So sorry students." She walked to her desk and rested her bag on the table.

The children of the class grew quieter. "Why the big smile Mrs. Thomas?" One of the students asked.

"Did you get us candy?" An excited boy by the name of Mark asked raising his hand.

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