"There are so many people," Jacob whispered. He was stood by the side of the stage and watched his dad and his brother get intense stares because they smelt like humans. Anthony's pack stood around them with pride. Jacob and his family are very important.

"They are a tough crowd to please but I'm more than sure you can shut them up."

Margo sat in her seat on the stage and the crowd began to settle. The echoed chat subsided when Anthony stepped up and walked into the middle. His eyes scanned the many faces and prayed that the news about his son having a male mate would be accepted.

"Good afternoon wolves," He projected his voice to the back of the room and hoped the people were not too crammed in. He received a murmur of greetings in response before continuing. "I hope you've had a great week and I'm very glad to see you've noticed my urgent response to visiting this weeks meeting."

"Alpha," A voice rose from the crowd. "Why are there humans here?"

"They are family members of my son's mate."

Excited talk suddenly rose. This was new news to almost everyone in the huge room.

Anthony turned to see Hunter watching cautiously until he motioned for him and his mate to come over. Jacob was stuck to his spot but Hunter held his hand and pulled him onto the stage. They walked over and almost instantly, the talking stopped and eyes widened.

Jacob was squeezing Hunter's hand so hard that it was almost hurting him.

"Wolves, this is Jacob Jones, Hunter's mate." Anthony and Margo held their breaths and watched, intensely looking for those heavy eyes of judgement. Time felt like it stopped and the reactions seemed to take a very long time to happen. Hunter bit his tongue to stop himself from squeezing Jacob's hand back, knowing he would definitely hurt him.

He has never seen so many people this silent.

When it became a little awkward, Hunter's and Anthony's pack started clapping and cheering for him which fuelled everyone else. Even though it was slow, other wolves started showing their happiness for the new couple and clapped too. Eventually, the hall erupted with celebrations for the alpha's son and his mate.

Anthony was not even going to mention that his son is gay. It's pretty obvious and it doesn't need explaining because nobody should care.

"Alright settle down, settle down," He grinned. He was very happy with the response. "Now, this is not the important news that I have to tell you."

"Are you okay?" Hunter thought and attempted to move his fingers but Jacob was locking them between his. He didn't respond, he was frozen on the spot with hundreds of eyes watching him.

"Can I have a raise of hands from everyone who believes in the Gods." less than half of the wolves in the room raised their hands with confusion but pride. "Okay so, for everyone here who do not believe, I was one of you too. I didn't think that there were once beings of a higher authority looking after our kind and keeping everything in order. But that is until I was faced with proof."

The hall went deadly silent while Anthony stepped over to Jacob and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Wolves, after today, the Gods will be officially reincarnated and-" A sudden uproar exploded in the hall and all the none believers started yelling at Anthony.

"What are you talking about!?" Someone yelled.

"You've gone crazy!"

"That's madness!"

"You can prove nothing, it's lies!"

"Be quiet!" Anthony roared but everyone was so worked up that they stopped listening and started yelling their opinions.

"The gods have never been real!"

Jacob and Hunter looked at each other, knowing the only way to prove it was to show them so they could witness it with their own eyes.

Scott and William could only hear the people who don't believe as they started arguing with the believers. It was quickly turning into chaos and nobody thought it would spiral out of control so fast. They didn't realise it would be such a big subject. People were so against something they didn't believe that they thought it was okay to force their opinions onto other werewolves.

Anthony looked at his wife with questioning eyes until the mayhem suddenly started to quiet down. It was like a wave spread through the crowd and silenced their angry and confused discussions.

Anthony turned when a warm yellow glow caught his eye.

Jacob was stood on the stage in front of all these people with his palm facing the ceiling. His eyes focused on the small collection of lightning bolts squiggling and twisting in his hand.

With no words, Jacob had managed to silence almost one thousand people by showing them who he really is.

Anthony took the opportunity to speak again.

"This is Jacota, the God of lightning."

Jacob allowed the lightning to fuel in his other hand, making Hunter look down when he felt the cool sparks stroke his skin.

Suddenly, Anthony's pack lowered to one knee and dropped their heads with respect. Hunter's pack quickly copied their actions. Sam pulled William down onto one knee who then pulled Scott down too.

"N-No don't-" Jacob stopped when the believers quickly bowed down to him and it started spreading through the rest of the wolves. "Hunter, don't let them do that," He thought.

"Why not?" Hunter thought back with a smile. "You're their God, it's only respectful to bow to their leader."

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