haunting nightmares

476 18 12

*Willows POV*

Bright headlights. Blinding. Moving forwards. Jolting so fast I can't stop. So fast. So sudden. Crunch. Shattered glass. What's that noise I can hear? An ugly scream fills the inky darkness. It's a scream full of help. A scream of terror and loss. I suddenly realise that the unfamiliar scream is coming from my open mouth. I am going to die.



Is that really me? Is that scream coming from my mouth? It sounds so unfamiliar. I'm drenched in sweat and the bed sheets are all tangled around my legs, sticking to them. What am I doing? Where am I? I'm full of terror and fear. What was that dream all about.. Well it was a nightmare for sure. Why was there headlights? They seemed so real. They were blinding me. I reach up and rub my eyes. I can feel the swollen skin and they feel raw and painful under my fingers. Then I realise. My nightmare.

I wasn't Willow. Not me.

I was Noah.


Where's Danny? Is he here? Confusion fills my mind as I realise that I'm all alone in the flat and Danny isn't in fact here. I swing my pale freckled legs out of bed and heave myself out of bed, wincing at my aching head. I slide on Dans slippers and trudge into the kitchen being careful not to move my head too much to help relieve the pain.

I press out two painkillers and fill up a cup of water by the sink. Images from my dream keep haunting my mind. Looming. Shadowing.

Go away go away. Leave me alone. I don't want this. But they won't listen. They are stronger than me. I shake my head and try to get rid of them only causing my head to throb even more.

I put my glass of water back down on the kitchen table top and swallow down my tablets.

A piece of a paper catches my eye as I turn to put the cup in the dishwasher. A note?

It's from Danny to tell me he's gone out to Glens and he'll be back soon. Why is he at Glens? At this time in the morning? Danny hates hates hates getting up early! Maybe it's to do with the new recordings and editing? I don't know..

A key suddenly jangles in the lock and I run to the door and open it.

"Danny!" I run straight into him and jump on him. I need him. His warmth and his smell makes me hug him even tighter.

"Woah Will! That's a nice greeting baby!" Danny lifts me off the ground and I wrap my legs around his torso and bury my head in his neck.

"How was Glens?" I mumble.

"Fine fine," he says light heartedly.

"Missed you," I say hugging him tightly and inhaling his smell of safety.

"Missed you too Will" he says and lifts my chin up to kiss me, his cold cheeks rubbing against my boiling ones.

"Jesus you're very toasty Willow!" Danny exclaims and puts me down holding my hair away from my face and examining my facial features closely.

"Yeah," I mumble looking down.

"Willow what's up?" And I look at his face. My eyes widen when I take in his appearance as I could ask him exactly the same thing. I realise how I haven't actually properly looked at him since he came in.

His stubble has grown and is longer than usual, looks like he hasn't shaved for a few days. His velvet hair is yanked up in all directions and his eyes are puffy and red. He is smiling at me but his eyes look dull and not full of life like they usually are.

"Danny what's up?" I direct the question straight back at him.

"You first," Danny says, a little worry frown etched between his brows. And I frown too. What's up with him?

"Just had a nightmare that's all." I says quietly and I shuffle my feet around.

"About what?"

"You know."

"No I don't tell me Willow."


"Tell me."

"I was in Noah's shoes. I was in the car crash. I felt the blinding lights, heard the scream from my mouth, heard the windscreen crack. It was terrifying." I says my voice shaking with the pain.

Danny doesn't say anything and I look up at him though by aching eyes.

He's frowning even more and he looks panicked and frustrated.

"Dan what's wrong?" I say strongly. I need to know.

"Nothing nothing." And I can immediately tell that he's hiding something from me. He's scratching his head now and pushing back his hair. A sign to say that he's panicking. But what about?

"Dan?" I question.

"What?" He says sharply and I feel taken aback. Danny is never sharp with me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say it like that Will. Sorry babe." He leans into me and kisses my hair, runching it up between his fingers.

"It's okay Danny." And he hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry Willow." He says softly, his voice bleached with pain.

Why is he sorry? He hasn't done anything wrong? I'm filled with confusion. What's going on?

"Why are you sorry Dan? You haven't done anything wrong!"

"Just... just don't ever leave me Willow." He mumbles into my neck.

"Of course I won't Dan!" I say back pulling away from him and looking into the eyes which I have fallen so in love with.

"Do you promise?" His childish question makes me grin fondly and I ruffle his hair and run my finger over his cracked lips.

"I promise Dan." and he pulls my hand away from his lips and kisses me, his lips sending me sparks of pleasure throughout my body, warming me with happiness and safety. I love him.

How can I ever let him go? He has been there for me throughout. He knows me better than anyone.

I will never let him go.




Meh this chapter was ok I guess.

Is Danny really doing the right thing though? Should he tell her? Imagine being in his situation. What would you do? COMMENT YOU ANSWERS! IT MAKES ME EXCITED:D

That's all from me I guess.. Oh! I almost forgot! I've broken up for Easter today! Woooop! That means more updates! Yayayy:))

Love you all Scriptys

Rose 🍀🍀

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