"What about daryl?" He asked.

I said nothing. Daryl did do everything to protect me, but I needed to do this. It's not like he really cared.

" he'll kill us if anything happens to you." Glenn starred.

" I'm doing this Glenn" I said sternly.

" daryl is gonna go nuts when he sees this." Glenn sighed defeated.

" I'll deal with him." Rick said," but you do have to do this fast, before he tries to stop you."

I just nodded. Rick sighed and pulled me into a hug,

" thank you kayla"

I smiled when pulled away and saw Glenn turn away from me. I turned him to me and he had tears in his eyes. Glenn had been one of my best friends since day 1 of being here.

" don't ask me to say goodbye cause I'm not." He said firmly.

I hugged him, " good cause I'm not."

We pulled out of the hug and I put my thumb to his cheek and wiped a tear that had accidentally came over,

"I'll be fine." I smiled to him, but inside I was terrified.

Glenn saw that, I know he did,

" go beat zombie ass" he smiled and I smiled back.

I turned back to Rick and nodded,

" alright Glenn give her a boost and run back towards the east tower with me. Kayla watch for my signal, then jump and run. Do not stop you hear me?"

I nodded and turned back to Glenn who sighed, bent down and had his hands cuffed. I stepped in them and he boosted me up until I got to a roof of a shelter above the gate. I looked back down at him, he gave me a thumbs up and a weak smile and ran with Rick. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I then heard,

" Kayla! No! Get your ass down now!"

I turned and saw daryl running towards Rick.

" Rick I swear to god I'm going to kill you!" He screamed.

Daryl charged for Rick but Glenn intercepted him, holding him against the fence. Daryl fought and fought and Rick tried to calm him down,

" listen to me, she's the fastest. She offered so if you want her to live you have to calm down, get to your station, and shoot anything that comes near her."

" I swear Rick if she dies, I will kill you!" Daryl scowled.

I remained on the roof waiting for my signal. I saw Glenn release daryl and daryl stormed back off to the east tower. Rick turned to me and nodded. That was my signal. I took a deep breath and jumped. I hit the ground and ran. Most walkers were distracted by the others. I heard bullets and felt the air as they seized by me. I could do this. I had all the confidence until of course being me, I tripped and fell over my own two feet, scraping my knee pretty well. I grabbed my knee and did a silent yelp as I saw the blood. I quickly looked around and saw the walkers had all their attention on me now,

"shit" I whispered under my breath.

I quickly got up but ran right into a walker In front of me. We both went down. I fought to keep the dead from my face as it was trying to get my neck. I tried to grab my knife but if I reached for it the walkers teeth would get my neck easily. I looked around panicking and saw other walkers getting closer. I was going to die I knew it. I continued struggling till the body went limp. All the walkers weight was now on me, not moving. I quickly pushed it off and saw an arrow in the head. I looked to daryl real quick and smiled. He scoffed. He was pissed. I couldn't think about that right now so I continued running to the tower. I got In and locked the door and ran up to the control room and found the button. I pushed it and the gate started to close. I smiled and took my gun out of my back Pocket and ran to the outside of the tower room and began picking off walkers one by one with the others. When they were all dead cheers from everyone sprung out! I even heard Rick yell,

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें