"Well, according to Kayano~san, Jelabitch~sensei uses her seducing English she uses when she assassinates. I don't think that will help me." I stated. "Well I'll have to help you study then. Make sure you pay attention to the lesson today though!" Suddenly Koro Sensei head looked wonky. "Karma~kun, please refrain from trying to assassinate me during this time. When I dodge, it effects all of my clones." I glanced around the room to see all the clones with wonky heads and Karma sticking his tongue out at Koro Sensei.

"L/n~san, you already seduce people using your Japanese so it wouldn't hurt to learn how to seduce people in English." Koro Sensei said pointing at himself and Karma. "I don't seduce people! I just make bets with people. Everyone does that! So does that make everyone seductive?" I said puffing out my cheeks. "Making bets at a young age will surely lead to you becoming the seductive type." Koro Sensei stated. "That makes no sense at all! Plus, Cherry was the one who made the bet and you didn't even agree to my negotiation yesterday!" I protested. "I was pointing to Karma~kun for another reason." Koro Sensei's face suddenly turned pink with a darker pink tink near his eyes. ".....May we start studying please." I requested.

"Something is definitely happening between you two~" Koro Sensei said in a giddy tone. "I heard my name?" Karma appeared at the side of my desk. "O-Oh! Nothing Karma~kun! I was just talking about the bet you made with L/n~san." Karma gave me a questioning glance but I pretended not to notice. "I can hear everything you say Koro Sensei, you're only 30 cm away~" With that, Karma went back to his seat. There's already Rio and Kayano, but Koro Sensei too? Ugh.... Who else?

It was now English and I was prevented from skipping class... Jelabitch~sensei was telling us to repeat lots of sexual or seductive phrases that she'd say.... Why couldn't she use different phrases? Is she using this to mess with us? Sometimes she would ramble on about her trips in other countries making me want to fall asleep since geography bored me.

Unfortunately Koro Sensei left the task of keeping me awake to Karma, only giving the instructions, 'Do whatever you can to keep L/n~san engaged in the lesson.' So I'd frequently get hit on the head with a ruler, get water sprayed on me with a spray bottle, or getting my hair pulled... It was utter torture, without the cows. I grew annoyed with this after the 17th time the cycle repeated, and I dropped my head on my desk in defeat. I'll endure everything! I will sleep this lesson away!

That didn't end up happening because right when I was about to fall asleep.... English was actually over!

"You managed to survive, Y/n~neko." Karma confirmed. "Well, that was great but I gotta jet~" I grabbed my bag and sped out the door exiting into the hallway. I left the school building, and then I entered the surrounding forest.

I heard footsteps approach and turned around to see none other than Karma. "Why did you torture me for an entire 45 minutes?" I asked immediately. "No one said I couldn't~" He answered. I slumped down against a tree at his answer. "I'll pay attention tomorrow okay? Just don't torture me again." I sighed. "Only if you pay attention." He said sitting down next to me. "You're a meanie Cherry. I was soaked enough at the beginning of the day." I pouted.

"Our friendship is really weird." Karma says randomly. "Well obviously. I have to be your freaking cat and you abuse me! *Gasp* ANIMAL ABUSER!" I shouted. "Shh!" He put his hand over my mouth. "I'll bite your hand!" I shouted knowing my voice would only come out muffled. He didn't remove his hand from my mouth so, I bit his hand making him uncover my mouth. "Bad neko! No biting!" He scolded. "You're the animal abuser here! You're the bad one!"

"I'm sorry Y/n~neko." He said while petting my head. "Keehh! Petting me won't solve anything!" I hissed. "Woah~ Y/n~neko, you're acting like a real neko~!" He exclaimed. "Dammit! I didn't mean to!!" I slumped down to the forest ground. "Make sure no bugs come near me while I'm sleeping. Kay'? Thanks." I let out a yawn and closed my eyes. "Y/n~nekooooo don't go to sleep pleaseeeeee." Karma begged but I wanted to sleep so I didn't listen.

Karma's POV
Well, I wasn't going to just watch Y/n~neko while she sleeps even if she is cute when she's asleep. After making sure she was asleep I layed down as well. Hope you're having sweet dreams Y/n~neko.

"EEEEEPPPP! BUGS! GET AWAY!" I woke up to a frantic Y/n~neko jolting halfway up the tree we slept under. "Cherry! Do something!" She whined. I glanced at where Y/n~neko previously was at and saw nothing. "Y/n~neko, I think you're imagining things." I stated. "I. Felt. Something. CRAWL ON MEEE!" She screamed. "Whatever was there is gone now." I assured. "A-Are you sure?" She questioned going down the tree and hovering right over the ground. "I'm sure." I reassured. Y/n~neko dropped down to the ground.

She isn't going to yell at me for going to sleep? "I feel like I need to yell at you about something but- oh right..." I thought too soon...

"What if a bug bit me? How could you have fallen asleeeepp?" Y/n~neko whined. "I'm sure nothing bit you." I said. "I'll be nice and let you off even though you did abuse me during English. Anyways, see you tomorrow, ciao~" She waved, picked up her bag and headed off. Guess I should head home too.

I picked up my school bag and headed off to the train station.

And then back to my house... Population: Me...

Kawaī jagaimo no neko o yonde kurete arigatō! Watashi wa anata hitorihitori ga daisukidesu! Ato de subete o kyatchi! Baii~ 💖Shadowhuskies📚

Translates to: Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~

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