Chapter 8

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Stiles thought the flight home was bad but he was wrong.

"Hey where were you this last week you missed so much."

"Oh you know here are there, you know dad when I get stressed I get sent to therapy." Stiles replays while rubbing the back of his neck. Scott knows his laying but could not prove it because Stiles heart was steady as.

"Look Scott I have to run I need to catch up with my teachers to get my work and then talk to the coach and hope my place is still there. Not tomention the now add new fury friends we keep finding." And not to mention the stocks from Stark industry's have dropped and Stiles had to leave Tony and feels like he up to something. "So sorry buddy I have to run see you at lunch." Stiles walks away and hopes his out of ear shot.

"Jarvis give me some good news."

"Should I lie to you sir."

"Thanks Jarvis is it safe to do protocol brother?"

"I believe so shall I start it up?"

"Thanks Jarvis."

Now protocol brother was something Stiles made up with Jarvis. So if Tony was in work mode it could disturb him enough to take a break well that the plan, but we all know how Stiles plans work out.

Step one, blast music to get him to listen. ( something country not his heavy rock)
Step two, Tony turns down music yelling at Jarvis if Tony goes back to work step three goes in place.
Step three, call Stiles. Now Stiles has never gotten that far but for some reason Tony just did not want to stop.

"So Stiles you're the reason I keep losing my train of thought."

"What me no how why what. no I would not do that but I have been told you have spent 24 hours straight working and haven't stop take a break for me please I almost lost you once."

"I know and that's what I'm working on so you don't have to lose me again ok."


If the morning was anything to go by then people don't understand lunch.

For Stiles lunch that day was toucher. Scott keeps asking questions and not picking up on the hints Stiles and Jackson keep dropping.

"Look Scott I told you I was at therapy okay. you know the one I go to end things get hard like how Laura's husband was killed." Stiles shouted as he looked down at his food, he hated using Jason as and excuse but he needed Scott back off.

Walking out of school Stiles see somthing amazing and no his boyfriends amazing abs, But he see that his brother did an upgrade on his jeep. Smiling to himself Stiles steps in to his jeep and see a small logo in there with JARVIS on it.

" Hi buddy I see Tony got bored and sent you to me."

"Yes sir."

Back in LA there's a fine house on a big cliff in that house ACDC was bearing throughout the house.

Tony was working on a new slim suit that would be better to fight the injustice in the world. Stiles did not get he saw what his weppons was doing all over the world and he wants to stop it.

Mths next thing he know some country music is playing but he was to busy he could not stop he must not stop.

So it turns out to be his little shit of a brother that got him to stop. Though not for long. His suit is done for now I until he teased it for now he needed sleep and to call Stiles.

He's not Tony he's my brother On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara