Argus Ridgeback

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This part is dedicated to LuaKitsune.

A shuttle landed outside Yavin base.
The rebels were waiting for the new Commander to come from the ship.
A hiss of steam burst from the ramp as Commander Argus Ridgeback stepped from the shuttle.
Argus was a tall, black haired man with dark eyes, and a dark skin tone. He was wearing a white uniform with a belt round his waist. A holster hung from the leather with a gun in it. He had a silver, cybernetic right arm.
He stopped in front of Hera.
"You must be Captain Hera Syndulla" he said saluting.
"Yes sir" Hera answered returning the salute.
"This is the rest of my crew. Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren, Garazeborelious, Ezra Bridger, Chopper, Agent Kallus and Captain Rex."
The man nodded curtly then faced Hera again.
"I've heard there is a lot of dragons attacking this place. I shall deal with them and destroy their nest."
Upon hearing this, Ezra's anger began to grow.
"They'll be nothing but history. Dragons will learn their place is with the dead."
"Dragons aren't as remote as they seem. You can't kill them for just defending themselves" Ezra told him.
Kallus swallowed as the man looked at Ezra coldly. He knew Ezra was sticking up for Toothless and the other dragons, but sharp talking to the new commander wasn't a very good first impression.
"Do you think dragons are innocent Bridger?" Argus asked going over to him.
"Yes" Ezra replied.
"From now on boy, you will not tell me what to do. I am your commander and I'm going to tell you now dragons are deadly beasts that costed me a limb."
He looked at his cybernetic arm.
"You may see this all as a game but it's a matter of life and death. But I've heard your not one who follows orders well. Considering your records I'm surprised the rebellion hasn't put you in front of a firing squadron."
Ezra froze but Kanan lay a hand on his shoulder protectively.
"You're responsible for Ahsoka Tano's death, Kanan Jarrus's blindness and countless other misfortunes."
Ezra looked at the ground with guilt and shame.
"Ahsoka's death and my blindness was not Ezra's fault" Kanan told the commander sharply.
"Mind your tone Jarrus" Argus said.
Hera and the rest of the crew knew they did not like this man.
Argus turned back to the rest of the rebellion and approached Senator Mon Mothama.
"You alright?" Kanan asked Ezra.
"Fine" Ezra replied quietly. He knew he was going to need a long flight with Toothless to cheer himself up.

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