Let me help you

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Saturday. A Saturday without any responsibilities. No studying, no taking care of my little sis, no nothing, just a Saturday with a meaningless existence. Or maybe not that meaningless.

"It has been a while", I thought, "since I visited the turtles. Two month was it I think...and what two months. Studying for all those exams occupied my mind constantly"
I grunted. Just letting my friends alone for all this time...how could I? But it wasn't my fault, so I just let the thought go and went to the lair. Don't wanna waste my time worrying about how much of a dick I am (I at least could've contacted them...)

Breathing heavily from all that running (I jogged the entire time...when I said I didn't want to waste my time...I didn't want to waste my time), I arrived at the entrance, which was opened for me. Donnie had already seen me.
I entered the lair smiling.

»Hi (Y/n), good to see you«, Donnie greeted me, and I greeted with a simple "Hi, nice to see you too", before Mikey almost broke my ribs to dust by hugging me.
»DUDETTEITSBEENSOLONGWHEREHAVEYOUBEEN?", he screamed, and I felt like I was slowly turning into mush in his grip.
»I...can't...breath«, I whispered and with a silent sorry, he let me fall on the floor (well actually he put me down normally, but I fell down to the floor, as everything I am and everything I ever was, hurt immensely). I stood up again, taking a deep breath.

»I had to study two month for the final exams, I know I should've let you know I can't come for a bit, but...«
»You had a lot to do«, Leo interrupted me, who now joined "the party"
»Hi Leonardo, how are you?...and yes. I did indeed«, I greeted him
»I'm fine. Except for the fact that Raph has been behaving strangely for a while now, and we have not been able to communicate with him for weeks«, he hissed. I lifted an eyebrow
»Sorry but...doesn't he always?«, I asked. Leo looked like he was about to blow up, so my question faded into nothing as my voice was dying with every time I looked into Leo's face. But he still understood perfectly well what I was saying.

»Yes, but it's not the same. He hasn't talked to anyone«, he stated
»He is a creature of few words«, I responded
»He hasn't voiced an opinion of his«
»Hm...that's odd...but still not to worry about«
»HE HASN'T GONE OUT. NOT EVEN WHEN CASEY ASKED HIM!", Leo now yelled, and that's when I admit my defeat. (Leo and I have conversations like that all the time. Usually I win, but this is not a game anymore, and he was right...)

»Ok. Something is up«, I admitted and I knew what was gonna happen...
»Can you try to...«, Donnie began to ask
»Yes. I'm on my way«, I knew it.

I made my way to Raphs room. The reason why I knew they'd ask me to do this, is because we are close...really close. In the beginning of when I knew him, we were skeptical of each other. I thought he was a hot headed, show off, macho asshole, and he (and I knew that because he said it to my face once, when we were fighting) thought I was an arrogant snitch and the most annoying thing existing on earth. But then, something happened.

I remember when, like a little unspoken event, we decided to be the close to one another:

One night after a fight with Leo, Raph ran out. It was a pretty huge fight, and everyone was on Leo's side, so no one really cared about Raph, even Master Splinter was pissed, even though he didn't admit it. When I asked him what to do about this, he just shook his head and went into his room for meditation.

And for the first time in my entire life, I felt bad for Raph, because, as it seems, I was the only one who understood the reason behind his decision. I understood, why he went in earlier to fight against the gang. And he did well. I actually didn't understand THEM. For also, the first time. And I went out as well, not angry but disappointed in everyone, for not even trying to understand him.

Raphael × (I) (female) reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now